Check Out Note Download
Check Out Note 7-29-24
Check Out Note 7-29-24
Download letter word document here
On behalf of the PTSA, I would like to welcome you to the City of Byrd! Byrd is blessed with amazing faculty, staff, students, and parents! Our teachers and staff truly want to see our Yellowjackets succeed! In the City; we like to learn, have some fun, and celebrate our teachers, staff, and students. That is where our PTSA …
Download CPSB Pdf file here [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2024 CPSB_Calendar_2024-25_-_Approved”] These events have also been added to the shared Byrd google calendar available here.
We are excited to welcome the C. E. Byrd family. Byrd High School turns 100 years old in October of 2025. Your graduation will be a part of the next century of greatness! In the one-hundred-year history of Byrd, Yellow Jackets have been a part of the history of our city, our country, and our world. We have seen the …
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Medical History-Medical Exam on Letter updated 6_8_23 two pages”]
NEW SPIRIT STORE ORDER PICK UP DATE!! Spirit Store items will be available for pick up on Tuesday, December 5 from 11am-1pm in Marilyn Prothro’s office on 1st floor of the main building.
NEW! Shop all Byrd gear in one site! CLICK HERE TO SHOP This has been a work in progress and hopefully it will be easier on everyone. We also have a new pick up option! You can save on shipping by selecting “pick-up” at checkout. All orders placed before November 16 will be available for pickup at the school on …
The PTSA will be selling Vintage Byrd T-shirts for $5 at Byrd’s Back to School Night on Tuesday, August 29.
We are excited to have launched an online store for Byrd spirit wear, apparel, yard signs, and more! Click below to view one of the three categories of merchandise. Note: All orders will take 2-4 weeks to process depending on your order date.
On behalf of the PTSA, I would like to welcome you to the City of Byrd! Byrd is blessed with amazing faculty, staff, students, and parents! Our teachers and staff truly want to see our Yellowjackets succeed! In the City; we like to learn, have some fun, and celebrate our teachers, staff, and students. That is where our PTSA …
UNIFORM & ACCESSORIES: The uniform includes a wind suit, 3 tshirts, shell, skirt, briefs, socks, shoes, bag, pom poms, and rain jacket. These are ordered through Varsity cheerleading. Uniforms are generally worn once a week on all football and home basketball game days. Pep squad has their own PE class. Their PE uniform is ordered through the PE department at …
US History: April 18 & 19 Biology: April 20 & 21 English II: April 24 & 25 Geometry: May 3 & 4 Algebra I: May 1 & 2 English I: April 26 & 27 All tests are tested over two days. Students should be present both days. QUESTIONS? CONTACT LISA WALKER JOHNSON, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL LWJOHNSON@CADDOSCHOOLS.ORG
FORMERLY Register My Registration for Parents Go to Click Login Click Create an Account (You only need ONE account, even if you have children in more than one high school and/or junior high; Do Not create another account if you have used Register My Athlete in the past) Fill in personal account information (this should be the Parent’s …
2024 Summer Credit Recovery – Coming Soon
2024 Summer LEAP Remediation & Retesting – Coming Soon
PARKING: Kings Highway Lot located on the north side of campus Gladstone Blvd Lot located on the south side of campus Creswell Ave Lot located on the east side of campus Limited overflow parking is available on side streets and in neighboring business’ lots. Please honor “no parking” signs and please do not park in any business that is currently …
Download the pdf here. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”C E Byrd Student Handbook – 2021-2022 Website”]
NEW REGISTRATION METHOD COMING F0R 2022 SCHOOL YEAR Don’t register below for the 2022-2023 school year or season. 2021 FamilyID – Athlete Registration We are excited to announce that we are now offering the convenience of online registration through FamilyID ( FamilyID is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for our athletic programs, and …
Click the link below for Summer Assignments 2024-2025: AP Physics • APC Physics Problem Set Week 1 AP Human Geography English I Gateway English I Honors English II Enriched English II Gateway English II Honors English III Gateway English III Enriched English III Honors English IV AP English IV Enriched English IV Gateway/AP AP Seminar AP Research AP European History …
Byrd PTSA is excited to announce the launch of our school’s new website. The website,, will go live this weekend. With the new website comes an updated, more streamlined Byrd Blast. The website now has a user friendly calendar that can be easily accessed daily through the Byrd Blast or the website. The website will feature all things Byrd, including …
Congratulations to William Berry for making the All Academic Composite Football team and to Anna Sullivan, Lillie England, and Anna Clair Mackey named to the LHSAA All-Academic Composite Swim Team along with Cameron Bradford as LHSAA All-Academic Composite Swim Team.
Congratulations to David Shaw who was chosen as Byrd’s DAR recipient and is currently competing for regional and state awards. Molly McNulty has placed as one of only 15 finalists in the “I, Too, Am the Dream” National Writing Contest sponsored by the Milken Center for Advancing the American Dream. Students from across the country submitted essays, poems, and short stories about reimagining …
Reflections District entries are due to Mrs. Prothro by November 20th. Theme: I Matter Because… CLICK HERE for Reflections Program CLICK HERE for Visual Arts Entry Rules CLICK HERE for Photography Entry Rules CLICK HERE for Literature Entry Rules Fleet Reserve Association 2020-2021 Americanism Essay Contest “The Bill of Rights and Me” – This essay is 350 words or less. Grand prize is $5000. These essays are …
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities. Time to have fun class of 2021! CLICK HERE for letter to Senior parents from Graduate Sales. CLICK HERE for Senior flyer. All seniors need to complete the Career Compass assignment CLICK HERE There is a video introducing Career Compass and a short form to complete when you are finished. Seniors– You must complete one of the following financial aid steps IN ORDER TO …
Support Byrd High School using your Kroger card. Follow these instructions to link your account to get free money sent to Byrd High School! CLICK HERE Girls Soccer is having a drawing for a Louis Vuitton Handbag or $1,500 in CASH! The cost is a donation of $20.00 per ticket and they are available NOW! Winner selects from one of three styles and will …
Students – StuCo is hosting a Canned Food Drive from November 12th to December 11th in support of the NW LA Food Bank. The Food Bank is not hosting the Pack the Pantry competition this year, but they are asking for needed donations. Please help Student Council support this worthy organization in our community. If you have ideas for prizes we can use …
Jennifer Waxham has been selected at C. E. Byrd High School Teacher of the Year! Congratulations! 9th Graders – If you are interested in applying to be a Lyle Leader, please complete the application, and return to Mrs. Prothro by December 16th. Lyle Leaders is an organization unique to Byrd that participates in leadership activities and service activities from 9th-12th grades. The organization was begun …
The Byrd PTSA now has an Amazon Smile account! You can go to and choose CE Byrd PTA as your charity of choice. Every time you shop on amazon, our PTSA will benefit! Thank you for supporting our PTSA!
Directions For Chromebook ONLY issued by Byrd that require an email address: Email Address = FIRST INITIAL + LAST INITIAL + 7 DIGIT STUDENT ID NUMBER (with no leading zeros) @ Password = FIRST INITIAL + LAST INITIAL (ALL CAPS) + YOUR BIRTHDATE WITH NO LEADING ZEROS For example Lisa Walker who has a student number of 0123456 and has a birthdate of February …
Sophomores and Juniors – The PSAT will be given at Byrd on Thursday, October 29th. This is a College Board exam which gives 10th and 11th grade students an opportunity to check their progress towards college readiness. It also provides practice for the SAT. For 11th grade students, PSAT scores are used to screen for candidates for the National Merit Scholarship Program …
Congrats to the 2020-2021 Astra Club Officers:President – Madeline AnthonyVice Presidents –Mia Levermann, Megan Watkins, Sydney Moss, and Mea WisnerCorresponding Secretaries – Mallory Lettau and Holland PetersonRecording Secretaries – Elizabeth Davis and Jordan MeikiTreasurers – Wynde Morgan-Gilbert and Anna WestmorelandFreshmen Representatives – Hannah Kendrick, Lily Blaylock, MorganSpradling, Ella Turner, Cameron TuckerSophomore Representatives – Cathe […]
Tomorrow, October 6th, we will administer the ACT to Seniors. All other students will remain off-campus for a virtual day. NO cell phones are allowed in the testing rooms. Leave your cell phone in your car, or arrange for someone not testing to keep it until you are finished and ready to leave. Anyone found with a cell phone in a testing …
Congratulations to Molly McNulty, a Louisiana Legislative Youth Advisory Council member was elected Vice President at the LYAC meeting this past weekend. LYAC is an annually appointed body composed entirely of students that tackle issues affecting the youth of Louisiana. According to a release, the purpose of LYAC is to facilitate the communication between youth and the legislature, and to give students a unique opportunity to be involved in the workings of state government. The c […]
Congratulations to the students that participated in the Songbook South competition this past weekend. Brook Wilson won the grand prize and a $1,000 scholarship while Braden Tucker placed third and won a $400 scholarship both allowing them to attend the Songbook Academy next summer. Camryn Orr placed 6th and Aidan Green was able to work with a NYC Jazz Pianist. […]
Congratulations to Anne Michelle Erwin. Her painting was selected as one of only 17 National Finalists in the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes ArtEffect Project! […]
Congratulations to the Times All City 2019-2020 soccer team: Khianna Roraback, Emerson Roberts, and Mia Levermann; LHSSCA -All State Team – Mia Levermann; United Soccer coaches association – All Region team – Mia Levermann; and United States Soccer Coaches Association All Academic Team – Byrd Lady Jackets. Congratulations to Colonial Dames Winners: Ethan Granger, Paige Thomas, and Hannah DrakerCongratulations to Emily Tyler who has been selected as our Yellow Jacket Battalion Commander […]
2020-2021 is underway! Please consider joining and donating to the PTSA. We also need your help throughout the year with the events that make Byrd such a fun place for our students. Please use the link below to sign up to volunteer. CLICK HERE for volunteer form. Our PTSA does not hold a school wide fundraiser. The PTSA budget is based …
Families, This is Jerry Badgley, Principal at Byrd High School. I know there have been many questions about opening schools. Please know Caddo and Byrd High School have a plan that includes delaying the start of the school year until August 24th . Safety has been our school’s top priority and we are excited to welcome students back while following …
Congrats to the Top Performers at the District Literary Rally (Medal Winners.) Algebra II- Seth Payne, Business English- Madeline Mackey, Chemistry- Jackson Ballew, Computer Science- James Rushing, Earth Science- Caroline Carr, Fine Arts Survey- Andrew Briley. CLICK HERE for a full list of participants. […]
Congratulations to the following Byrd Lady Jacket soccer players for making the District 1-5A – 1st team Khiana Roraback; Overall MVP Madelyn Graham, Emma Tamplin, Becca Brown, Mia Levermann, and Emerson Roberts; Second team – Abigail Daniels, Jordan LeBlanc, Khyra Roraback, and Landry Jones. Honorable Mention – Maggie McMillan, Jaycie Davis, and Katie Smith. Congrats to our “All District 2020” Yellow Jackets Soccer players and coaches! All District Overall MVP […]
Congratulations to Shelby Sanders who won the Caddo District PTA Reflections Literature Contest Award of Excellence! We are proud of you! Congratulations to the following winners in the Louisiana PTA Essay Contest: 1st Place – Shelby Sanders, 2nd Place – Emme Clark; Safety Public Service Announcement Video Winners – Carson Johnson, Jason Frink and Holt Sutton; Caddo District PTA Reflections Contest – Photography, Award of Excellence – Ellie Lawrence, Award of Excellence – Ellery Coppl […]
Congratulations to junior Christanna Kirksey (Shot Put), senior Jonnai Jones (Shot Put), and sophomore Trent Wells (1600) for qualifying to the 2020 LHSAA Indoor Track and Field State Meet. They will be competing this Saturday at LSU in Baton Rouge. […]
So proud of our Byrd golfers who competed in the LA Junior Golf Tour Sam Burns 4 ball at Squire Creek CC. Senior Jake Marler and sophomore Cal Gosslee battled for 1st shooting a 2-day total of -11. Byrd female golfer, sophomore Sydney Moss and her partner from Lake Charles, took home 1st in the girls division shooting 75-79! Way to go! Congratulations to Michael Cosse who was the winner of the Lyle Leader Essay Contest given to the Lyle Leader 2019 group at the banquet in 2019. […]