Students – If you are interested in entering any poster contests, please see your teacher or Mrs. Prothro. CLICK HERE for info.
High School Exchange Scholarships for U.S. Citizens – CLICK HERE for Domestic Opportunities CLICK HERE for Study Abroad CLICK HERE for Exchange Student Information
Southern University at Shreveport has band scholarships still available. Students do not have to audition. Scholarships are based on grades A, B, or C as recommended by the director. If interested, please contact Dr. Albert L. Jackson, Director, Southern University at Shreveport Band; aljackson@susla.edu/318-670-9381.
Aim For Christ is offering the Mackenzie Jewitt Memorial scholarship in memory of Mackenzie Jewitt, Byrd senior Class of 2022. Mackenzie was a loving and caring person who would always put other’s needs before her own. She genuinely had a heart for people and didn’t hesitate to lend a helping hand whenever she could. She loved helping those who were in need, and the fighter in her allowed her to never give up regardless of difficult circumstances. The purpose of this scholarship is to honor the heart of Mackenzie by awarding dedicated students who may have faced challenges in life but continue to strive for excellence in spite of their adversities. It will be a vessel to help encourage students to continue their education and to not give up. Scholarship recipient must be a Class of 2023 graduate, and plan to attend post-secondary education. This can be college, technical or trade school. Applications are available in the Counseling Office or the Class of 2023 Canvas page. Deadline to apply is TODAY.
The Louisiana Construction Education Foundation (LCEF), Louisiana’s Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) and the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) is now accepting applications for the Jump Start Construction Connect Scholars Program. This program is the state’s first and only scholarship dedicated exclusively to Jump Start graduates who have earned a Jump Start credential and a Louisiana high school diploma and subsequently enroll in an LCTCS Construction Pathway Program or Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) training program the summer or fall immediately following graduation. This scholarship will assist graduates in gaining the necessary training to earn industry employment in construction crafts fields aligned to four and five star jobs that may lead to management positions. Applications are due TODAY. Eligibility Requirements: Any high school senior who has a National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) credential, will earn a Jump Start Career Diploma, and enrolls in an LCTCS construction pathway program or an ABC training program in the summer or fall semester immediately following high school graduation. Scholarship Award: Up to forty one-time scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each will be awarded to students enrolling at an LCTCS program or an Associated Builders and Contractors training program. For more information please email stephanie.marcum@la.gov.
The Home Builders Association/Michael J. Penn Memorial Scholarship is now available. This one-time $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior who plans to attend a four-year college and major in construction management, engineering, or architecture. The application is available at www.nwlahba.org Deadline to apply is Friday, April 28th.
Seniors – The Grambling University National Alumni Association, Inc., Shreveport Alumni Chapter, is pleased to offer scholarships to high school students interested in attending Grambling State University beginning with the fall semester of the year 2023-2024. Payable over a two-semester period, the scholarships will range up to the coveted Eddie Robinson Scholarship. Information is available in the Counseling Office. Requirements for applicants: Applicants must be in good standing at their respective high school; Applicants must have a grade-point average of 50 or above; Applications will be provided by the senior counselor or by local; Applicants must submit the following documents HERE; Completed application with signed verification by the senior counselor; Seven-semester transcript bearing the school seal; One (1) letter of recommendation from the students’ high school administrator, counselor, or teacher; Essay of 150 words “Why I Want to Attend Grambling State University”; One (1) recent wallet-sized, headshot photograph. Packets that do not contain all items will be disqualified. Deadline to apply is May 1st.
Students – The Louisiana Folklife Center at Northwestern State University is sponsoring the NSU Louisiana
High School Essay contest. This is open to students in grades 9-12. Students will address the prompt “Imagine
yourself in twenty years. What is your occupation. How does your work improve Louisiana?”. Winners will be
awarded a $1600 scholarship to NSU. Deadline is June 1st . Additional information is available in the counseling
office or at Students – The Louisiana Folklife Center at Northwestern State University is sponsoring the NSU Louisiana
High School Essay contest. This is open to students in grades 9-12. Students will address the prompt “Imagine
yourself in twenty years. What is your occupation. How does your work improve Louisiana?”. Winners will be
awarded a $1600 scholarship to NSU. Deadline is June 1 st . Additional information is available in the counseling
office or at www.nsula.edu/folklife/highschoolessay/