3 Ways to Earn College Credit While Still in High School
Advanced Placement (AP)
Through college-level AP courses, students enter a universe of knowledge that might otherwise remain unexplored in high school. Through AP exams, each student has the opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at most of the nation’s colleges and universities. AP course are available to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.
- American History
- Art History
- Biology II
- Calculus
- Chemistry II
- English IV
- European History
- French
- Human Geography
- Physics I & II
- Psychology
- Statistics
- US Government
- World History
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Dual Enrollment
Dual enrollment applications are now available for LaTech and LSUS Fall enrollment. Each school has separate application instructions. Please follow all instructions carefully.
Students in the following courses can apply at LaTech– AP US History-Rowe, AP European History- Lary, English IV enriched- Williams, and English IV GT- Smith.
Students in the following courses can apply at LSUS- Advanced Math- Bailey, Pre-calculus, AP Calculus, and AP Statistics- Algood English IV AP- Carberry.
Byrd will pay ALL dual enrollment courses this year. Students are encouraged to apply early. Instructions are available from these teachers, or cebyrd.com. Please read all information carefully and complete all required steps. Deadline to apply is Wednesday, August 21, at 4pm. Documents must be received in the Counseling Office by that time. Please contact the 11th or 12th grade counselor if you have any questions. 11th grade- Tamiko Lacy- tslacy@caddoschools.org. 12th grade- Amanda Byrd- asbyrd@caddoschools.org
** Please note there is a mistake in the step-by-step instructions for LSUS. The instructions said to select “Undergraduate Application.” The correct instruction is select “Dual Enrollment Application.”
CLICK HERE for LaTech Fall 2024
CLICK HERE for Step-by-Step instructions on How To Apply LSUS
CLICK HERE for LSUS Fall 2024