The C.E. Byrd High School Math/Science Magnet Program provides a challenging and comprehensive academic education for each student. Byrd’s rich traditions date back 90 years to its opening in 1925. The Math/Science Program was established in 1984 and continues to produce outstanding student who excel in areas like the National Merit Program, and competitions such as State Literary Rally, Robotics Competitions, and Academic Quiz Bowl. The ninth grade magnet program is organized into faculty-student teams that foster individual attention on students as they make the crucial transition from middle to high school.
Admission Requirements
The Math/Science Magnet program is open to students entering 9th, 10th, and 11th grade for the 2020-2021 school year who meet the following criteria:
- An overall “B” (2.76) average for the previous semester for entering 9th grade students.
- An overall “B” (2.76) average for the previous semester as well as a cumulative “B” (2.76) average for entering 10th and 11th grade students.
- Scores on or above the 50th percentile in total reading and total mathematics on the most recent standardized achievement test or 730 or above in reading and math on the 7th grade LEAP.
- Placement tests are not required for entrance into magnet programs.
- Promotion to the next grade level.
- A good attendance and discipline record. Students must have no out of school suspensions and no more than one placement in ISS.
- Residence with parent/legal guardian in Caddo Parish.
- All magnet students are required to enroll in enriched or higher credit courses in math, science, English and social studies at C. E. Byrd High School.
Magnet Information
Participants in the Math/Science Magnet are full-time students at Byrd High School. These students are eligible for participation in all academic, athletic, and extracurricular activities as governed by the Caddo Parish School Board and the Louisiana High School Athletic Association.
- Bus transportation is provided by the Caddo Parish School Board.
- A magnet student takes seven courses per academic year with a math and science course required each year.
- A magnet student is required to take enriched or higher courses in math, science, English and social studies.
- A magnet student must maintain a cumulative “B” (2.76) average to remain in the program.
- Only students who transfer from an out-of-parish school which has an accelerated or magnet curriculum may be admitted during the school year. Documentation from the previous school is required.