Graduates – Class of 2022
Graduation is May 26th at 7:00 pm at the Independence Stadium. No limit on guests.
CLICK HERE for the 2022 C.E. Byrd Graduation Program.
C.E. Byrd High School
2022 Graduation Information and Special Instructions
Date: Thursday, May 26, 2022
Time: 7:00 P.M. (6:00 P.M. arrival time for graduates)
Location: Independence Stadium
- Financial Obligations: Before you receive your diploma, all fees and debts must be paid in full. See a bookkeeper if you have any questions…this is your responsibility—take care of it NOW!
- Join the C.E. Byrd High School AlumniAssociation: Annual dues are $25.00 and covers the first 5 years after a senior graduates. Our fiscal year runs from August to August. The dues are used to pay for mailings, postage, two issues of Alumni Highlife, landscaping, or anything else theAlumni are responsible for. Lifetime dues are $250.00. These funds are invested for future use and only the interest can be used for current spending. There is a half sheet attached if you are interested.
- Dress: The clothes you wear should not detract from the dignity of the commencement exercises. Proper clothes must be worn, but you will want to dress comfortably to accommodate for the heat! You should be empty-handed for graduation (no purses, cell phones, flowers, etc.)
- Ladies—dresses should not extend below the graduation gown. Dark shoes look the best. Do NOT remove your cap during the national anthem. NO SHARP, POINTED HEELS!! YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE FIELD WITH SHARP HEELS! Wedges or flats are best.
- Gentlemen— Wear dark-colored slacks and a white or light-colored shirt with a tie. Remove your cap during the National Anthem, the invocation, and the benediction only.
- Cap and Gown: Only an approved cap and gown may be worn…faded caps and gowns will not be approved (see Mrs. Byrd or Mrs. Carberry for approval). For best appearance, hang your gown on a hanger overnight and steam it if needed. You may put your cap and gown on once you arrive at the convention center. Caps should be worn SQUARELY on the head—flat with the deep point in the back. The tassel on the cap should be worn suspended over the right front of the cap. DO NOT change the tassel position until told to do so during the ceremony. These are breakable…so be careful, or you’ll be “tassel-less”! No decorations allowed on your caps. Save that for college.
- Photographs/Video: A professional photographer will take a picture of each graduate after they’ve received their diploma. No one other than the authorized individuals will be allowed on the field before, during, or after the ceremony. The ceremony will be live-streamed at https://www.youtube.com/c/CaddoParishPublicSchools. These photos will be mailed to your home address. Make sure your address is up to date.
- *All ceremonies will be archived on the Caddo youtube account.
- *Only authorized individuals will be allowed on the field before, during, and after the ceremony.
- Parking and Assembly: Report to Independence Stadium before 6:00 P.M. with your cap and gown. You should be in the holding area at 6:00 to line up, not showing up to park! Parking will be free, and graduates and family need to park in theWEST lot! Students will enter and exit the stadium at the Club LevelGate. Faculty members and signs will direct you to the line-up area and your place in the line. Only graduates and faculty members will be allowed in the line-up area. Students will park in the Orange Lot, and families will park in the Gold, Green, Brown and Gray Lots. Handicap parking is located north of the Gate 3 entrance. See Map. Gates will open at 5:30 pm for guests.
- Processional: At 6:45 P.M., lines will move into place, and promptly at 7:00 P.M. graduates will march in and remain standing until AFTER the National Anthem and the invocation. There will be guides to help you remember where to go and what to do. Remember…fill in all seats…no empty seats…even if that means you aren’t sitting in the same seat as before you crossed the stage. Graduates with last names A-J will sit on the west side of the field and K-Z will sit on the east side of the field. Students will be seated facing north. Pay close attention to the NHS Usher. They will guide you to where you’re supposed to be. You’ll have a program so you will know what is going on. Don’t do anything silly to draw attention to yourself. This isn’t the time to be rowdy.
- Diplomas: NHS will direct each row to rise and come forward to the stage. You will be stopped and your name will be checked by the counselor and/or faculty marshal before you cross the stage. Move onto the stage as your name is called…you will receive an empty diploma cover from the principal. You will pause and take a picture with the principal and a diploma cover. After you get through that line, march off stage. Pause to have your individual picture taken and follow the path back to your seat (pay attention to the path!) and remain standing until the entire row is in place. You will all be seated together. After all graduates receive their “diplomas,” a special ceremony will instruct you when to move your tassel from the right side to the left side of your cap.
- Recessional: Remain standing for the Alma Mater and the benediction. There will be a fireworks display following the Alma Mater. You need to stay at your seat for the Alma Mater, fireworks display, and the benediction. After the benediction, the recessional will begin. Remain in line and follow the National Honor Society guides/faculty marshals where tables will be located and your diploma will be given to you…stay in alphabetical order! If there is a problem with your diploma, wait until all graduates have received their diplomas and a counselor will assist you.
- Diploma Covers—DO NOT BRING YOUR DIPLOMA COVER TO GRADUATION You’ll be handed a prop one on stage. You must return the diploma cover (it’s not yours) BEFORE you get your diploma. There will be a checkpoint where you will place it in a box, and then you will retrieve your diploma. DO NOT LEAVEWITHTHE SCHOOL DIPLOMA COVER
- Reminders: Commencement, the solemn but joyful climax and recognition of the graduate’s years of study, is an important and meaningful occasion to the school and its faculty, staff, and students.
- Guests and participants are to avoid moving around and having unnecessary conversation after the ceremony has started. b. Wait to applaud untilAFTERALLGRADUATES have been called.
- No banners, balloons, airhorns, etc.
- Graduates are expected to conduct themselves according to school policy…students with unacceptable behavior will not be awarded a diploma at the graduation ceremony.
- Don’t bring your diploma cover to graduation…we’ll have one for you to borrow…remember #9! f. Gates for visitors will open at 5:30 P.M.This will allow time for parking, and walking to the stadium.
- Bottled water will be provided for graduates. Guests may purchase drinks at the Concession stand. No outside food or drinks will be permitted.
- Conclusion: The graduation ceremony will begin promptly at 7:00 P.M. The activities should be over no later than 9:00 P.M.
Please inform your family members and guests about acceptable behavior, prohibited items, and arrival times. Congratulations Class of 2022!
Transcripts are now available. Mrs. Byrd will provide you with a transcript during orientation which will take place through English classes. Public colleges in Louisiana automatically access your transcript through the State Transcript System. You do not have to request they be sent. If you apply to a college using the Common App, you do not have to request a transcript. You must request a transcript be sent for all other colleges. You must pay the $5 transcript fee on locallevelevents.com and complete the google form to indicate where you want your transcript mailed.
Senior Information
Welcome to senior year!! I am so excited about the year ahead and look forward to helping you make plans for
your future. Below you will find answers to some of your questions and see some steps you can take right now,
while we are getting ready to assist you in the Counseling Office. – Amanda Byrd, Counselor
Seniors and Senior Parents – 2022 Student of the Year Guidelines and Selection Procedures for Caddo Parish: CLICK HERE for more info and guidelines
Seniors – AP Capstone graduation honor cords are now available for purchase on Local Level Events (https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/20187). The AP Capstone cord is for graduating seniors who have taken and completed both AP Seminar and AP Research. Cords will be given out at Senior Honors Assembly.
Did you know that LSUS offers a ProPELL Scholarship to assist Pell Grant eligible students in covering their tuition cost? The ProPELL is for Louisiana residents enrolling as first-time freshmen in an on-campus program during the Fall semester. ProPELL will cover any remaining tuition balance after all Pell Grant, LSUS Scholarships, and TOPS funds are applied to the student’s account. There is no extra application to apply for the ProPELL. Once they have applied for admission to LSUS, their information will be reviewed for eligibility. Find out if you qualify for a Pell Grant by completing your FAFSA.
ACT & Scholarship – ULM is also accepting ACT scores through the April ACT date for scholarship improvement. They use super scores!!Again, any student eligible for scholarships WILL receive them. Please view scholarship grid here: https://www.ulm.edu/scholarships/freshmen.html (any superscore through April that bumps them into a new category will be honored… they’ll simply get a new scholarship reservation form)
Housing Application at the University of Louisiana – Monroe went live on January 1st. Priority deadline is March 31st but students can still continue to apply: https://www.ulm.edu/reslife/fall-application.html
You must complete one of the following financial aid steps IN ORDER TO GRADUATE:
- Complete the FAFSA (available at fafsa.gov) This is your TOPS application, as application for federal grants and student loans.
- Complete the Louisiana TOPS form- if you are not completing the FAFSA (available at mylosfa.la.gov)
- A parent or legal custodian, or a student legally emancipated or of the legal age of majority, may certify a waiver in writing to the LEA (See Mrs. Byrd for this form)
- Only one step is required- you do not have to complete the FAFSA and the TOPS form. The FAFSA is also the TOPS application.
The FAFSA application is available beginning October 1. The FAFSA Completion Guide is attached to this e-mail and is also available on the Class of 2021 Canvas page.
CLICK HERE FAFSA Completion Guide