
PTSAByrdBlastByrd High School

Yellow Jacket Sports (February 24 – March 2)


Sign up for Kroger Community Rewards to help the PTSA

New Today

Thank you to our 2025 Teacher Appreciation Week Donors! CLICK HERE to check out our sign up!  We’d love any help you can give to make this the best teacher appreciation week ever!  Holly Fleming 318.349.5249
Let’s show our AMAZING Byrd teachers how much we appreciate their hard work! Donate to our TAW fund on this local level link below to help provide special treats, lunches and prizes all week. ANY amount is so appreciated! THANK YOU. https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/37510
The Z-Club Tea for current members and applicants has been moved to TODAY at 4 p.m. in the Library due to the weather this week.

To celebrate Black History month, Here is a list of the themes this week for dress up: Friday – Black Excellence Day

Students 9-12th grades –  Do you have 100 or more volunteer hours from March 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025?  If so, you are eligible for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award which is a national award to recognize people who are committed to community service to make our world a better place.  Any community service through school, nonprofit organizations and church activities can be counted toward your total number of community service hours. I will accept log sheets that have the activities, hours listed, and sponsor signatures for each activity for verification.  The deadline is TOMORROW.  PICK UP AN APPLICATION & LOG SHEETS FROM MRS. PANOS’S OFFICE.
ACT Boot Camp for the March ACT Test
When: Saturday, March 1
Time: 1 until 4 pm
Contact: Sherri Moss at 572-5507 to register today!

Salads will be available in the hydroponics lab for $3 daily.

Since it’s the 100th year, Student Council and Drama Club are starting a fun Scavenger Hunt every other week for Byrd students. Look around the school and follow the hints to receive a prize!


  • Do not move, break, or destroy school or personal property to reach the item.
  • Bring Winner paper to Mrs.Carberry in room 202.
  • You cannot search during class time.
  • You must bring the item to Mrs.Carberry in between classes.
  • Winner will be announced on the following Monday.


It’s time to join PTSA! 
For your $10 donation (with the option of having every family member join for an additional $10 each) you get incredible benefits!  When you belong to PTSA, you’ll connect to important school and community resources while bonding with the awesome families and faculty in the City of Byrd! You can be involved as much or as little as you want! You do not have to volunteer to be a member of PTSA! To join or to make a TAX-FREE DONATION, please click the link below and help us reach our goal of 450 members!
Did you know that you can support Byrd PTSA by linking your Kroger card to our Community Rewards program?
1. Sign into your Kroger digital account OR Create an account.
2. Search for C.E. Byrd High School PTSA
3. Select C.E. Byrd High School PTSA and Press SAVE and that’s it!
From the C.E. Byrd FoundationCLICK HERE to download the letter.



Every year SHIP, or Support for Humanitarianism through Intercontinental Projects, puts on a fundraiser called Pre-Med Day. This day is designed to give students an opportunity to get a preview of what it is like to be a medical student at LSU Shreveport School of Medicine. Students will tour the school, participate in intubation and suturing workshops, experience our cadaver lab, and interact with some current medical students. This allows students to get excited about medical school as well as ask questions regarding how to best prepare themselves for the application process. Students will also learn more about SHIP itself and the opportunities SHIP provides to medical students at LSU Health Shreveport.  This year Pre-Med Day will be held on Sunday, March 2nd for high school students.

Interested in Flagline? A mandatory parent/student meeting will be March 3rd at 5:30 pm in the Band Room. Parent and student must attend in order to try out. Incoming 9th, 10th, and 11th graders can tryout. If you have any questions, please email Ms White at awhite1@caddoschools.org.
NHS Eligibility lists for 2024-2025 Induction have been posted. See Mrs. Waxham (S214) or Ms. Williams (324) for eligibility and for required information forms. Completed forms must be returned to Waxham or Williams by 3:56 p.m. on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Late information forms are ineligible.
Students are invited to attend the 3rd annual HBCU College Fair. The event will be held at the Harry Blake Family Life Center at 1664 Alston St. Students should register using the link on Class of 2025 Counseling Canvas page.

Students“Sew”cial Club needs your plastic grocery bags. We are making PLARN mats for the homeless and you can help!  Send your plastic grocery type bags (Wal-Mart, Dollar General, Target, etc).  to school with your student and have them deliver them to the library.  We need 700 bags to make each mat so send us what you can spare.  We appreciate your efforts on behalf of this project.



Louisiana Tech is hosting the second annual Women in the Woods workshop, which is open to 10th – 12th  grade girls in Louisiana interested in learning more about forestry. At this weekend event, they will learn how we sustainably manage our forests from women who are already professionals in this field. Students who are interested in attending this event are encouraged to complete the application available on the website: www.latechwomeninthewoods.com. Applications must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 28, 2025. Space is limited to 40 participants so students are encouraged to apply early.



College Visit – A representative from LSUS will be available outside the cafeteria during both lunch shifts on April 24.

Students – If you are interested in a career in criminal justice then you are invited to become a Caddo Parish Sheriffs Office Explorer. See Deputy Tidovsky or Mrs Panos for more details.
Having trouble understanding a concept in math or science? Need help studying for the big test? Or ACT prep before your next attempt? Science National Honor society has got your back with tutoring from some of our strongest math and science students at Byrd. Starting this week, they are available in the library every Wednesday, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7:45-8:15 am. No sign up necessary. Just show up. See Mrs. Comerford for  more information.


Club Info

Students – ACT fee waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions. Students must apply for free/reduced lunch at https://www.myschoolapps.com/  You will receive an e-mail from the Child Nutrition Program. You must provide this to the counseling office to receive a waiver.

Support Your Fellow Jackets!


Your Link to EVERYTHING Byrd!

CLICK HERE for the Local Level Events page that includes ALL Byrd events. You can also scan the QR code below.

Student Opportunities:

StudentsShreve Memorial Library is offering a paid Summer Internship.  Apply online at www.shreve-lib.org on or before February 23, 2025.   You must be 16 years of age by March 31 and currently enrolled in high school with at least a 2.0 GPA.  Looks great on a resume and you get to work in the air-conditioning during the summer!  Read more about it on the Shreve Memorial website.
Presidential Volunteer Information
CLICK HERE for Information
CLICK HERE for Community Service Endorsement Form
CLICK HERE for the Volunteer Hour Log


Scholarships & Contests

Scholarship Opportunity – 2 year senior Science National Honor Society members have an opportunity to receive up to $1000 in scholarship money.  For more information and to get the link see Mrs. Comerford in Room 211.


Applications are now available for the 2025-2026 Bobby Cates Hicks SMART program.  This is an opportunity for seniors to get research and lab experience through LSUS- Health as a part of their school course work.  Applicants must be current juniors and have A’s and B’s in all science classes.  Also, they must be currently enrolled in advanced science classes, have a 28 either composite or in science or math, have exemplary attendance and behavior, and commit to work for 7 weeks over the summer before senior year and for 10 hours each week during the school year.  If interested, please see Mrs. Comerford in Room 211 for the QR code to the application or search for Bobby Cates Hicks SMART program to find all information. Applications due February 28th.


Scholarship – The Edward “Pete” Aldridge Scholarship application is available in the Counseling Office or the Class of 2025 Counseling Canvas page. Students must plan to major in a STEM field, have a 3.0/4.0 gpa and include a statement of financial need. Deadline to apply is February 28.

Scholarship – The Thomas E. (Tem) McElroy scholarship application is available at cfnla.org/scholarships. Students must plan to major in a STEM field and have an excellent academic record, leadership skills, and community involvement. Deadline to apply is February 28.


The William Roy Keene Memorial Scholarship is available at https://www.cfnla.org/.
1. You are a senior at C. E. Byrd High School on track to graduate this academic year with a
minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
2. You are planning to pursue a degree at an accredited higher educational institution in the
United States or a vocational school in the United States.
3. You have taken a minimum of one Advanced Placement courses in one or more of the
following subject areas: US History, European History, Psychology, US Government, Human
Geography, or World History
Deadline to apply is March 28, 2025.


The Women’s Republican Club of Shreveport is offering $1500 scholarships. Applicants must be female, age 17 or over, registered as a Republican, and have a 3.0 grade point average. Applications are available in the Counseling Office or on the Class of 2025 Canvas page. Deadline to apply is March 31.


Seniors: A $1500 scholarship will be awarded to a Caddo Parish student with the desire to further their education. Applicants must be an athletic trainer or student athlete. Deadline is April 1. Applications and information are available in the Counseling Office or the Class of  2025 Canvas page.


 The Louisiana Life Safety & Security Association scholarship is available to children of active-duty Law Enforcement, Fire Service Personnel & First Responders. Applications and guidelines are available at  https://llssa.org/benefits/scholarships/ or in the Counseling Office. Deadline to apply is April 1.

Elks Student of the Month scholarship applications are available in the counseling office or the Class of 2025 Canvas page. Each month (October-April) a scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding senior boy and senior girl who demonstrate exemplary standards. Students should be well-rounded with leadership, citizenship, service, and scholarship qualities. Students will compete against other high school students in Caddo-Bossier area. Applications are due by the 10th of each month and only need to be submitted once.


Senior Information

CLICK HERE for Class of 2025 Senior Information


Seniors –  The FAFSA is now available at studentaid.gov. You will receive a FAFSA guide during the senior class meeting today. If you miss the meeting, you can pick one up in the Counseling Office. The pdf of this guide is available in the FAFSA module on the Class of 2025 Canvas page. The FAFSA is a free financial aid application to help you pay the cost of college or technical training after high school. This application will cover TOPS, federal grants (money that does not have to be paid back), and student loans (money that does have to be paid back). When completing the FAFSA, you will need to submit the 2025-2026 application.


Seniors– the honor graduate list is posted outside the Counseling Office or in senior classrooms. Honor graduates are all students with a 4.0 gpa, plus the top 5% of the remaining graduating class. This year it includes all students with a 3.92 or higher cumulative grade point average. Honor graduates are eligible to purchase and wear a purple and gold honor cord, which will be distributed at the Senior Awards Assembly, April 24.  You can purchase immediately at locallevelevents.com. If you would like to pay in person, you will be able to do so beginning April 7. If purchasing at school, you must have exact change/cash only. Cost is $10. Cords must be purchased by April 18 to receive them at the assembly.
• Purchase cords online at https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/37920
Your access code is your student ID number without the preceding 0.• Math/Science Magnet students may wear the magnet stole at graduation. This is the white satin stole with letters BHS printed on the end. You can purchase immediately at locallevelevents.com. If you would like to pay in person, you will be able to do so beginning April 7. If purchasing at school, you must have exact change/cash only. Cost is $20.• Purchase stoles online at https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/37921
Your access code is your student ID number without the preceding 0.