Yellow Jacket Sports (January 13 – Janaury 19)
Sign up for Kroger Community Rewards to help the PTSA
New Today

Dual enrollment – Dual enrollment applications are now available for LSUS Spring enrollment. Students in the following courses can apply for dual enrollment at LSUS- Human Anatomy, Precalculus, AP Statistics, AP Calculus, Physics I Honors, Physics AP, English IV AP. Byrd will pay for all dual enrollment courses Spring semester as long as funds are available. Students are encouraged to apply early. Instructions are available from these teachers, or in the Counseling Office. Please read all information carefully and complete all required steps. Deadline to apply and submit forms to the Counseling Office is Friday, January 10, at 4pm. Please contact the 11the or 12th grade counselor if you have any questions. 11th grade- Tamiko Lacy- tslacy@caddoschools.org. 12th grade- Amanda Byrd- asbyrd@caddoschools.org CLICK HERE for more information.
Iceland – There are TWO spots left for the Iceland trip this May! Put down a deposit now to hold your spot! If you have any questions or need more information, see Smith in S307, Springer in S211, or Zator S310!
Slushes are for sale in Jacks Landing. They are $2 each.
Since it’s the 100th year, Student Council and Drama Club are starting a fun Scavenger Hunt every other week for Byrd students. Look around the school and follow the hints to receive a prize!
- Do not move, break, or destroy school or personal property to reach the item.
- Bring Winner paper to Mrs.Carberry in room 202.
- You cannot search during class time.
- You must bring the item to Mrs.Carberry in between classes.
- Winner will be announced on the following Monday.
Scholarship – The AFCEA scholarship is available in the Counseling Office or the Class of 2025 Counseling Canvas page. Applicants must be planning on pursuing a STEM degree related to the fields of Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Communications, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Information Technology, or a closely related field. Examples include: Biomedical Engineering or Criminal Law/Cyber Forensics. NOTE: AFCEA Executive Council members reserve the right to determine if any selected degree program is eligible according to the above criteria Students must have a 3.0/4.0 gpa. Application and additional information is attached. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2025.
UL Lafayette Science Day 2024, Sponsored by Halliburton – The College of Sciences at UL Lafayette is getting ready for Science Day 2024. Registration for Science Day 2024 is now open. https://sciences.louisiana.
JOIN Art Club and come create fun things with us! Applications can be found in the hall outside the art room, B7, in the basement. You will see the applications hanging on one of the art showcase bulletin boards. Art club is a service club and we meet throughout the year sporadically after school to work on projects. You do not have to be in art class to join. The deadline to join art club is Halloween!
Students – Do you want to be apart of a Club that involves Growing Plants and Serving our community? Pick up a form in Room S 105. Fee is $5.
Club Info
Students – ACT fee waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions. Students must apply for free/reduced lunch at https://www.myschoolapps.
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Your Link to EVERYTHING Byrd!
CLICK HERE for the Local Level Events page that includes ALL Byrd events. You can also scan the QR code below.
Student Opportunities:
Volunteer Opportunity – CLICK HERE to sign up
Scholarships & Contests
Seniors – The Reynolds Foundation Scholarship will go live on December 1st and has a deadline of January 31, 2025. Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to Caddo Parish students. Students must have a 2.5 gpa and plan to enroll as a full-time student at a 4-year, 2-year, or vocational school. Application is available in the Counseling Office or the Class of 2025 Canvas page.
Elks Student of the month scholarship applications are available in the counseling office or the Class of 2025 Canvas page. Each month (October-April) a scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding senior boy and senior girl who demonstrate exemplary standards. Students should be well-rounded with leadership, citizenship, service, and scholarship qualities. Students will compete against other high school students in Caddo-Bossier area. Applications are due by the 10th of each month and only need to be submitted once.
Senior Information
CLICK HERE for Class of 2025 Senior Information
Seniors – The FAFSA is now available at studentaid.gov. You will receive a FAFSA guide during the senior class meeting
today. If you miss the meeting, you can pick one up in the Counseling Office. The pdf of this guide is available in the
FAFSA module on the Class of 2025 Canvas page. The FAFSA is a free financial aid application to help you pay the cost
of college or technical training after high school. This application will cover TOPS, federal grants (money that does not
have to be paid back), and student loans (money that does have to be paid back). When completing the FAFSA, you will need to submit the 2025-2026 application.