Yellow Jacket Sports (September 23-September 29)
Scrimmage tickets: https://www.locallevelevents.
Varsity home games (These tickets will be available the week before the game) https://www.locallevelevents.
Volleyball tickets: https://www.locallevelevents.
Sign up for Kroger Community Rewards to help the PTSA
New Today
Slushes are for sale in Jacks Landing. They are $2 each.
Students and Parents – Students who scored a 3 or higher on an AP exam during the 2024 administration have received an invitation to a special ceremony recognizing their achievement. We look forward to celebrating with parents and students TODAY at 8:45 AM in the C.E. Byrd auditorium.
Fishing Team – An informational meeting for the Fishing team will be held TODAY at 6:30 PM in room T-10.
French Club meeting in the Learning Center after school this TODAY from 4 to 5 to discuss membership requirements, Homecoming, and our first bracelet night. Anyone interested may attend to find out more information about joining the club. This is the last chance to join French club for the 24-25 year.
HOSA- ALL new or returning HOSA members must turn in the completed application by TOMORROW, September 27th to Mrs. Strong in S102
Students – Homecoming Dance tickets are now on sale and can be purchased on Local Level Events. Tickets are $25 until midnight on October 13. They will increase to $50 until midnight on October 17, 2024. Dance contracts are available outside the main office and must be turned in to a bookkeeper before you can purchase a ticket. Tickets are $25 until midnight on October 13, 2024. They will increase to $50 until midnight on October 17, 2024.

Gayarre History Club membership for 2024-2025 is closing soon! Join AND pay your dues on Payschools by October 1 to be a member for this year! See Mr. or Mrs. Lary if you have any questions.
ASTRA CLUB – Volunteer Opportunities for September and October: Reruns are Fun and Red River Revel. Check the Astra Canvas page for more information on dates and shifts!
Since it’s the 100th year, Student Council and Drama Club are starting a fun Scavenger Hunt every other week for Byrd students. Look around the school and follow the hints to receive a prize!
- Do not move, break, or destroy school or personal property to reach the item.
- Bring Winner paper to Mrs.Carberry in room 202.
- You cannot search during class time.
- You must bring the item to Mrs.Carberry in between classes.
- Winner will be announced on the following Monday.

It’s time to purchase your 2024-2025 Gusher yearbook and yearbook AD! Both can be purchased on Local Level Events.
ACT Boot Camp will be held Saturday, October 5 in the Byrd Learning Center from 9-12. Please contact Sherri Moss at 318-572-5507 to register.
Students – All students are invited to attend the 2024 Caddo Parish College Fair. College representatives and military recruiters from across the state will be in attendance and excited to share information about their programs. The event will be held at LSU Shreveport on October 29 from 10:00-11:30. Please pick up a field trip form in the Counseling Office and return it no later than 4pm on October 4.
UL Lafayette Science Day 2024, Sponsored by Halliburton – The College of Sciences at UL Lafayette is getting ready for Science Day 2024. Registration for Science Day 2024 is now open. https://sciences.louisiana.
Are you interested in traveling to Iceland in May? If so, contact Mrs. Smith (elsmith@caddoschools.org) or Ms. Springer (sspringer@caddoschools.org). Registration for this once-in-a- lifetime trip to the Land of Fire and Ice is open now at www.explorica.com/smith-
JOIN Art Club and come create fun things with us! Applications can be found in the hall outside the art room, B7, in the basement. You will see the applications hanging on one of the art showcase bulletin boards. Art club is a service club and we meet throughout the year sporadically after school to work on projects. You do not have to be in art class to join. The deadline to join art club is Halloween!
Mock Trial – If you’re interested in a legal career or if you enjoy watching shows like Law & Order, then Mock Trial might be the perfect team for you!
Students – Do you want to be apart of a Club that involves Growing Plants and Serving our community? Pick up a form in Room S 105. Fee is $5.
Club Info
African American Studies – scan QR code around school – go to S109 for more info
BETA Club – applications in S112 or scan QR code – applications and fees due
Drama Club – scan QR code and pay online at payschoolscentral.com or go to Room 200
Growing for Good – applications in S105 – fee $5.00
Spanish Club – applications by 117 in main building and S304 – pay fees online at payschoolscentral.com
2024-2025 Beta Club applications are available now. You can pick up a copy of the application in front of the Main Office or outside of Rm S112. Please read the application carefully for instructions.
Mu Alpha Theta – Math Honor Society: new member interest form available in S308. Current members need to check in with Ms. French.
Students – ACT fee waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions. Students must apply for free/reduced lunch at https://www.myschoolapps.
Parents and students – There will be a wrestling informational meeting in the learning center on September 21st from 5:30-7:30 pm. If your child has an interest in wrestling please try to attend even if for a moment. Thank you, Coach Yawn
Students – If you are possibly interested in wrestling this year please let us know. Benefits: learn a skill for the rest of your life, get in the best shape, improve at all other sports! If you are tough and want a challenge, this is it! Contact Coach Wells 318-393-8988 or Coach Yawn 318-426-3569 or email Byrdwrestling@gmail.com
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Your Link to EVERYTHING Byrd!
CLICK HERE for the Local Level Events page that includes ALL Byrd events. You can also scan the QR code below.
Student Opportunities:
Volunteer Opportunity – CLICK HERE to sign up
Scholarships & Contests
Suicide Prevention Week – Theme: “Start the Conversation” DEADLINE 9/13/24
National Diversity Week – Theme: “Our Shared Stories: Celebrating Together” DEADLINE 9-27-24
Character Education Week – Theme: “Color the World with Character Traits” DEADLINE 10-18-24
Red Ribbon Week – Theme: “Life is a Movie. Film Drug Free.” DEADLINE 10-25-24
Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week – Theme: “Choose Respect” DEADLINE 11-8-24
Internet Safety Prevention Week – Theme: “Secure our World” DEADLINE 11-22-24
Mental Health Awareness Week – Theme: “No Mind Left Behind” DEADLINE 12-13-24
Your poster must be 11 inches by 14 inches.
One poster per individual. No group work, please.
No glitter
Must be flat
Judging Criteria: Originality, Impact (The theme must be somewhere on the poster.), Neatness
Do not display name or school on front of the poster

Elks Student of the month scholarship applications are available in the counseling office or the Class of 2025 Canvas page. Each month (October-April) a scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding senior boy and senior girl who demonstrate exemplary standards. Students should be well-rounded with leadership, citizenship, service, and scholarship qualities. Students will compete against other high school students in Caddo-Bossier area. Applications are due by the 10th of each month and only need to be submitted once.
The Willis Knighton/Independence Bowl Community Service Scholarship application is available in the Counseling Office and on the Class of 2025 Canvas Page. One $2500 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior with plans to attend a four-year college. Students must have a 3.0 minimum grade point average and provide documented dedication to community service limited to junior and senior years only. Students must submit applications to Mrs. Byrd in the Counseling Office by 4pm on Monday, October 14.
Senior Information
CLICK HERE for Class of 2025 Senior Information