Yellow Jacket Sports (August 19-August 25)
Sign up for Kroger Community Rewards to help the PTSA
New Today
Students – There will be an interest meeting for the Mock Trial team this Thursday, August 22nd in Mr. Smith’s room (204) immediately after school. If you’re interested in a legal career or if you enjoy watching shows like Law & Order, then Mock Trial might be the perfect team for you!
Join Byrd FCA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, sponsored by Coach Cal, Mrs. Cox, & Mrs. Raines. You do not need to be an athlete to join! All Jackets are welcome! Applications can be picked up in any sponsor’s classroom or you may get one at any meeting! Our first meeting is this Thursday, August 22, at 7:45, in the Learning Center! Come check us out and bring your friends!
Any boys or girls interested in Powerlifting, there will be an informational meeting on Thursday at 6 pm in the learning center. Any questions see Coach Saulsbury or Coach Adamson.
Back to School Night is NEXT Tuesday, August 27th at 6:00 pm. Attached is a Blank Student Schedule that can be filled out prior to coming that night. CLICK HERE for blank students schedule.
PARENTS – Shreve Memorial Public Library requires parents to visit a branch IN PERSON to grant authorization for their teens to have access to DIGITAL library services from the public library. Bring YOUR own public library card and ID to any public library branch OR visit the Book Mobile with these items Thursday, August 29 @ the Football Jamboree!!! You’ll be able to complete the authorization required for your teen to access digital library services from the PUBLIC library system, including thousands of FREE ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies, and more!
Open House is right around the corner! CLICK HERE for the Open House Letter. CLICK HERE for sponsorship opportunities.

Dual enrollment applications are now available for LaTech and LSUS Fall enrollment. Each school has separate application instructions. Please follow all instructions carefully. Students in the following courses can apply at LaTech– AP US History-Rowe, AP European History- Lary, English IV enriched- Williams, and English IV GT- Smith. Students in the following courses can apply at LSUS- Advanced Math- Bailey, Pre-calculus, AP Calculus, and AP Statistics- Algood English IV AP- Carberry. Byrd will pay ALL dual enrollment courses this year. Students are encouraged to apply early. Instructions are available from these teachers, or cebyrd.com. Please read all information carefully and complete all required steps. Deadline to apply is Wednesday, August 21, at 4pm. Documents must be received in the Counseling Office by that time. Please contact the 11th or 12th grade counselor if you have any questions. 11th grade- Tamiko Lacy- tslacy@caddoschools.org. 12th grade- Amanda Byrd- asbyrd@caddoschools.org
** Please note there is a mistake in the step-by-step instructions for LSUS. The instructions said to select “Undergraduate Application.” The correct instruction is select “Dual Enrollment Application.”
CLICK HERE for Step-by-Step instructions on How To Apply
CLICK HERE for LaTech Fall 2024
CLICK HERE for LSUS Fall 2024
2024-2025 Beta Club applications are available now. You can pick up a copy of the application in front of the Main Office or outside of Rm S112. Please read the application carefully for instructions.
Youth and Government – Are you passionate about politics? Are you driven to debate? Come to the Youth and Gov interest meeting, debate, and application distribution on Wednesday, August 28th at 7:40 AM in the Learning Center. Youth and Gov is an academic club open to all grades, but you must have a 2.76 GPA to join.
JOIN art club and come create fun things with us! Applications can be found in the hall outside the art room, B7, in the basement. You will see the applications hanging on one of the art showcase bulletin boards. Art club is a service club and we meet throughout the year sporadically after school to work on projects. You do not have to be in art class to join. The deadline to join art club is Halloween!
Club Info
African American Studies – scan QR code around school – go to S109 for more info
BETA Club – applications in S112 or scan QR code – applications and fees due
Drama Club – scan QR code and pay online at payschoolscentral.com or go to Room 200
Growing for Good – applications in S105 – fee $5.00
Spanish Club – applications by 117 in main building and S304 – pay fees online at payschoolscentral.com
Mu Alpha Theta – Math Honor Society: new member interest form available in S308. Current members need to check in with Ms. French.
Students – ACT fee waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions. Students must apply for free/reduced lunch at https://www.myschoolapps.com/ You will receive an e-mail from the Child Nutrition Program. You must provide this to the counseling office to receive a waiver.
Parents and students – There will be a wrestling informational meeting in the learning center on September 21st from 5:30-7:30 pm. If your child has an interest in wrestling please try to attend even if for a moment. Thank you, Coach Yawn
Students – If you are possibly interested in wrestling this year please let us know. Benefits: learn a skill for the rest of your life, get in the best shape, improve at all other sports! If you are tough and want a challenge, this is it! Contact Coach Wells 318-393-8988 or Coach Yawn 318-426-3569 or email Byrdwrestling@gmail.com
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Your Link to EVERYTHING Byrd!
CLICK HERE for the Local Level Events page that includes ALL Byrd events. You can also scan the QR code below.
Student Opportunities:
Scholarships & Contests
Senior Information
CLICK HERE for Class of 2025 Senior Information