Yellow Jacket Sports (November 27-December 3)
12/2 Byrd Cross Country @ Garmin Running Lane – Huntsville, AL
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Astra Club and Key Club Members – We will need every member to serve as a guide for kindergarteners at Community Christmas on Friday, December 1, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. You will need to wear a Christmas shirt, and come directly to the big gym that morning and sit in the bleachers where the freshmen sit. Your teachers will have lists of who is working. Please do not bring your backpack to the gym. See Mrs. Prothro if you have questions.
Community Christmas – All students who are participating in Community Christmas on 12-1-23 will not be able to check out after Community Christmas.
Broadway at Byrd – Come out and see your Byrd Drama students starring in Broadway at Byrd 4: Broadway Jukebox. Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 3:00 pm. Hear songs from some of Broadway’s best and most popular shows! Tickets are $10 and can be purchased on Local Level. CLICK HERE for tickets.
Christmas Choir Concert – Come out and see Byrd Choir perform their Christmas Concert in the auditorium on Thursday, December 7th at 6:00pm. Admission is free!
Scholarship Opportunity – The National Beta Club scholarship application is now open until January 18, 2024. Last year’s overall winner was from Louisiana! Over 250 scholarships are awarded each year, ranging in value from $1,000 to $20,000. Incredibly, since 1991, Beta has awarded more than $6 million in scholarships. 12th grade students who are active National Beta members are eligible to apply and participate in the scholarship competition. Selection of National Beta Scholarship winners is based on a number of factors with special emphasis on academic excellence, demonstrated leadership, commendable character, school and community service, as well as National Beta Involvement. Applications for the Natl. Beta Club scholarship will also be used to determine finalists for the Louisiana Beta Club Robbie Scott scholarship. EVERY school in Louisiana should have an active Beta Club. CLICK HERE for application.
Student Opportunity – Due to forecasted inclement weather, Providence House staff has made the difficult decision to postpone its 5K HOME RUN 2023 originally scheduled for Saturday, December 2. But don’t fret – this gives you six more weeks to train! Please join us after the new year on Saturday, January 13. Same time, same place, same fun! If you have already registered, there is no need to re-register. For the rest of you, now is your chance to visit sportspectrumusa.com and sign up.
Volunteer Opportunity – Independence Bowl Bowl Week Volunteer. Need service hours? Click the links for more information. Signage Assistance When: December 9th, 9:00am-til Where: Meet in the Silver Lot Parking Lot behind the North end of the stadium Volunteer: volunteersignup.
Come Welcome the Teams! When: December 13th in the afternoon (will depend on when the teams arrive – they must be in by 1:00pm) Where: Sam’s Town Casino & Hotel and/or Hilton Downtown Volunteer: volunteersignup.
Big Game Welcome Party When: December 13th, 5pm-9pm Where: Riverview Hall Volunteer: volunteersignup.
Gameday Ushers – (more information about this is attached) When: December 16th, 4pm – til the game is over Where: Independence Stadium Volunteer: volunteersignup.
CLICK HERE for Usher Manual.
Astra Club and Lyle Leaders – We are helping to provide gift cards for the Baseball Buzz Bash for their silent auction. These gift cards can be $10 – $25 or more, and each gift card would count one hour for each dollar spent so 10 hours for a $10 gift card. The Baseball Booster Club is asking for gift cards from CC’s Coffee, Starbucks, Sonic, Buttercups, Chick Fil A, Counter Culture, Homegoods, Raising Canes, Torchy’s Tacos, Tazikis, Bodacious Barbeque, Tazikis, Chicken Salad Chick, Bistro to Go, Fat Calf, Franks, JAC, Hair Salons, Nail Salons, John Pickens, LE and Chalk, Simply Chic, Sportspectrum Superior Grill, Superior Steakhouse or Zuzul or a gift card of your choice. These are due to Mrs. Prothro by December 16, 2023.
Key Club & Circle K Scholarship – The LaMissTenn District Foundation offers scholarships to Key Club Seniors and Circle K Members. All eligible Circle K Members and Senior Key Club members are invited to complete and submit a Scholarship Application. CLICK HERE for info and application.
Students – The Mendeleevian Society presents the 5th annual Mendeleevian Society Symposium Topic: Preserving Mother Nature: Earth Day is Every Day. Currently, we are accepting abstracts for selection into this year’s symposium. Scan one of the many QR codes around the school to join the Canvas class and see more details about submissions. Stop by Mrs. Comerford’s room 211 for more information or questions. Deadline for submission is Friday, December 8th.
Scholarship – The Krewe of Harambee Scholarship application is available in the Counseling Office or on the Class of 2024 Counseling Canvas page. Students must be from a single-parent home, have a 2.5 gpa or higher, and submit an essay. Deadline to apply is December 15.
Student Opportunity – Applications for the Teen Advisory Committee are being accepted now through December 15, 2023. Step Forward is looking for young people who are interested in partnering with other youth from around Louisiana who are passionate about making a difference. TAC members will be required to demonstrate a strong commitment to the three TAC focus areas: education, health, and engagement and to seek success for every child in North Louisiana. TAC members will also be encouraged to represent Step Forward at conferences and special events. Students interested in applying should be between the ages of 14 to 18 or in grades 9th-12th enrolled in a Caddo Parish high school. Community, youth, and faith-based organizations and educators are invited to encourage youth who are interested in applying to fill out an online application which can be found at https://cfnla.org/tac/ Teen Advisory Committee members will be announced in early January 2024
Please help us reach our goal of 400 memberships. We currently have 384 members, we only need 16 more memberships to meet or goal!
4 easy ways to get involved with the PTSA:
- Become a Member (Pay Online or Pay by Check or cash)
- Volunteer with the PTSA (Complete this form)
- Attend PTSA meetings (View all upcoming dates)
- Make a Tax-Free Donation to the PTSA
EOC Testing Information
Students – Students who would like to sign up to take The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test (ASVAB) need to do so by December 8, 2023. We are offering this to all 11th graders, and any 12th graders who indicate that they are interested. The test will be given on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, in the Learning Center. This is a great way for them to find out what will benefit them most when they graduate from high school. This is the only time this test will be offered at Byrd this year.
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Your Link to EVERYTHING Byrd!
CLICK HERE for the Local Level Events page that includes ALL Byrd events. You can also scan the QR code below.
Student Opportunities:
Students – The newly formed Byrd chapter of Peer Initiative is looking for members for our peer support team, the backbone of our suicide prevention program. Peer leaders will be taught empathy, listening skills, non-judgmental support, suicide awareness, and basic peer session techniques. Peer Initiative will begin meeting in November. If you are interested in getting more information or joining the program, please see Mrs. Richey in S111 or scan the QR codes found on the flyers around the school or on Canvas.
Student Opportunity – Providence House is seeking applications from high school students interested in serving on the 2023-2024 Youth Advisory Board of Directors. We are expanding our current youth board. This leadership role works with the larger governing board and offers hands-on experience in philanthropy, fundraising, leadership and planning. The Youth Board has its own budget, leadership team and they get to plan events and use their voices to support all efforts around homelessness as well as community leadership. This is an amazing opportunity for young people to make a difference. CLICK HERE for Youth Advisory Council 2023 Student Application.
Robinson Film Center is now accepting applications for the Teen Film Council. This after-school program meets on Mondays and features film production and theory taught by working industry professionals. Prepare for film school or a job in the industry, or just come to learn more about film. Apply now at robinsonfilmcenter.org
Students – Does your child have documented volunteer hours? If your child has 100 hours or more, he or she is eligible to receive the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. This is a national award, and Byrd is the only Caddo Parish School who has students that receive this award. All you need to do is keep up with all volunteer hours that you have for all school organizations, church or faith based activities, or community organizations from last March 1, 2023, through February 28, 2024. You can go back and write down the hours you have from this past spring and summer. Attached is a form. Mrs. Prothro will sign off and verify your activities. Call or email her at 364-5455 or MProthro@caddoschools.org if you have questions. Also, your child needs 20 hours per school year to receive the LA Diploma Community Service Endorsement on their diploma when they graduate. Attached is a form on which these hours may be documented. These forms may be turned in throughout the school year to Mrs. Prothro. If the activities are school-related, Mrs. Prothro will sign off on the verification. CLICK HERE for Volunteer Hour Log • CLICK HERE for Community Service Endorsement
The application for the Allied Health Education and Discovery (AHEAD) Program is open for Summer 2024!
The AHEAD Program is a 5-day summer program for Louisiana high school students interested in exploring the health career programs offered at LSU Health Shreveport – School of Allied Health Professions:
Medical Laboratory Scientist, Nurse, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Physician Assistant, Public Health Professional, Respiratory Therapist and Speech-Language Pathologist
Program Dates 2024:
- Session 1: June 10 – 14, 2024, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
- Session 2: July 8 – 12, 2024, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Apply today at http://www.lsuhs.edu/ahead! Applications are due March 15, 2024.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Students must be at least 16 years old by the first day in the session.
- Enrolled in a Louisiana high school. Graduating seniors are welcome!
- Minimum 3.0 high school GPA at the time of application.
- Access to reliable transportation and commitment to full attendance.
- Please note: This is a non-residential program and housing is not provided.
Scholarships & Contests
Poster Contests – All posters must be turned in to Mrs. Prothro by the dates below. The size must be 11 X 14, no glitter, and a flat surface. Each poster must contain the label attached to the back of the poster entry. See Mrs. Prothro for the entry form more information. If you need extra forms, email Mrs. Prothro at MProthro@caddoschools.org or come by her office. CLICK HERE for full list of contests.
Internet Safety Prevention Week Deadline: December 8th
Scholarship – The Louisiana Tennis Association is currently offering two scholarship and two high school assistance grants. The scholarship is available to current seniors. Grants are available to students in grades 9-12. Legacy Scholarship Info and To Apply: https://form.jotform.com/
Scholarship – Each year, the Ark-La-Tex chapter of AFCEA and its members sponsor STEM scholarships and grants for local students and teachers. If you are interested in applying for a grant or have students planning to pursue STEM education after high school, please review the attached documents and submit an application; the application deadline is February 1, 2024. CLICK HERE for application. CLICK HERE for Teaching Grant Application.
Scholarship – Class of 2024 Lela’s $1000 FAFSA Completion Scholarship application for the Class of 2024 is now available for those who plan to apply for college financial aid by submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Schoolhouse Connection’s Youth Leadership Program Scholarship is available for students who have experienced homelessness in the last 6 years.
- Applicants must reside in the United States.
Note: undocumented applicants are eligible. - Applicants must be born on or after November 24, 2003.
- Applicants must begin college (four year, community college, or trade school) for the first time in 2024 (not including dual-enrollment courses).
A SchoolHouse Connection Scholar Will Receive:
- $2,500 Scholarship Award
- One-on-One Support from SchoolHouse Connection Staff
- Three All-Expenses-Paid Trips
- Support from SchoolHouse Connection Scholars
Opportunities to Engage in State and Federal Policy Advocacy:
Seniors- The Hagan Scholarship is available at www.hsfmo.org. This is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship that provides up to $7500 each semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters. Applicants must have a 3.5 cumulative grade point average and plan to work 240 hours from January 1, 2024-the completion of the 2024 fall semester of college. Applicant’s adjusted gross household income reported for 2022 Federal Income Tax purposes must not have exceeded $85,000.
Senior Information
Seniors – Updated transcripts are now available in the Counseling Office. Each student will receive a copy of the transcript during Senior Orientation in English IV classes. If you need one prior to that visit, you can pick one up in the Counseling Office. Transcripts and transcript information cannot be e-mailed or provided over the telephone. All public colleges and universities in Louisiana have access to transcripts and you should not have to send them. If they tell you they cannot access the transcript, or if you need to send a transcript to a private school within Louisiana, or any school outside of Louisiana, you will need to complete the transcript request form at https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/26815. Make sure you submit payment and complete the google form on that page. Students applying to colleges through the Common App do not have to complete the transcript request form. The transcript will be uploaded on the Common App portal.
Seniors – The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived – it’s time to create your unforgettable senior yearbook ad. Purchase your ad at locallevelevents.org and seize this opportunity to leave your mark on the yearbook. Once you’ve secured your spot, send us all your artwork and heartfelt messages to be featured on your ad at cebyrd.yearbook@my.
Seniors – Zeta Phi Beta Beau/Debutante applications and information is available in the Counseling Office, or on the Class of 2024 Counseling Canvas page.
Seniors – Elks Student of the month scholarship applications are available in the counseling office. Each month (October-April) a scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding senior boy and senior girl who demonstrate exemplary standards. Students should be well-rounded with leadership, citizenship, service, and scholarship qualities. Students will compete against other high school students in Caddo-Bossier area. Applications are due by the 15th of each month and only need to be submitted once.
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.