Yellow Jacket Sports (September 18-September 24)
New Today
Club Info
African American Studies – scan QR code around school – go to S109 for more info
BETA Club – applications in S112 or scan QR code – applications and fees due starting today
Drama Club – scan QR code and pay online at payschoolscentral.com or go to Room 200
Growing for Good – application in S105 – fee $5.00
Spanish Club – applications by 117 in main building and S304 – pay fees online at payschoolscentral.com
Youth and Government – Next meeting is Wednesday at 7:40 in the Learning Center.
Byrd vs. Shreve Tickets – Click the link HERE to purchase Byrd vs. Shreve football game! https://www.locallevelevents.
Seniors – Zeta Phi Beta Beau/Debutante applications and information is available in the Counseling Office, or on the Class of 2024 Counseling Canvas page.
Seniors – Elks Student of the month scholarship applications are available in the counseling office. Each month (October-April) a scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding senior boy and senior girl who demonstrate exemplary standards. Students should be well-rounded with leadership, citizenship, service, and scholarship qualities. Students will compete against other high school students in Caddo-Bossier area. Applications are due by the 15th of each month and only need to be submitted once.
Students – A representative from Princeton University will be available at 12:30 pm in the Purple and Gold Room on Wednesday, September 27. Please see Mrs. Byrd in the Counseling Office for a hall pass. Students should also register with Princeton using the link below: https://apply.princeton.edu/register/?id=545a3431-5376-46b7-8364-c6e7bfdeb504
Students – Buy your Gusher yearbook on Local Level Events today. The current price is $60, and the price increases on October 1st.
Boys Lacross Interest Meeting – The Byrd High School Boys Lacrosse team is looking for players. We're looking for players who are: Competitive, Physical, Athletic, Coachable, Mentally and Physically Tough!! Join us on Tuesday, September 26 in the Learning Center at 6:00 p.m. for an interest meeting.
Astra Club – Mrs. Prothro needs volunteers for the South Highlands Carnival. Before you sign up, please know that this is the same date as our Homecoming Parade. Sign up in Mrs. Prothro’s office.
Art Club and Mrs. Cox need your help! Donate your empty water bottles to her classroom B7 now thru Monday. We are making noise shakers for the hive for the Byrd vs Shreve game!
First Priority Club – Our meetings are every Wednesday during lunch – 1st lunch shift meets in Mr. Lary’s room 220 and 2nd lunch meets in Mrs. Cox’s room B7. For questions go see Mrs. Cox.
4 easy ways to get involved with the PTSA:
- Become a Member (Pay Online or Pay by Check or cash)
- Volunteer with the PTSA (Complete this form)
- Attend PTSA meetings (View all upcoming dates)
- Make a Tax-Free Donation to the PTSA
College Visits – National Guard 9/26 • SMU 9/28 • LA Tech 9/29 • Baylor 10/2
Students – Fresh hydroponic salads grown by our own students are on sale EVERY DAY now for $3 during both lunch shifts.
Students – The Coffee Shop and Slushy’s & Salads is now accepting debt cards, credit cards, and cash apps.
London and Paris Trip in June 2024 – There will be an informational meeting on Sunday, September 24th, at 3:30 pm in the Learning Center. Come and get all the info on this fantastic trip. The link to view the information and itinerary is www.explorica.com/Williams-5779. It is filling up quick!
Students – Louisiana Center for College Access (LCCA), we will be offering a free virtual sessions. Wednesday, September 13 at 5:30 PM: Good Study Habits: Need some tips to help you study for your tests and quizzes? Join the LCCA as we discuss developing good study habits. Wednesday, September 27 at 5:30 PM: Hosted by Ingrid Bustos of ECCONola – Road to College. This session will be presented in Spanish for Parents and High School Students. Cómo aplicar a una BECA. How to apply for Financial Aid and Scholarships Este taller será de ayuda para estudiantes y padres que por primera vez están en el proceso de asistir a la Universidad. Cuales son los requisitos básicos para recibir una BECA? Como aplico a préstamos para estudiar. Cuales son los requisitos. Cuando comenzó a pagar los préstamos ACT/SAT Test Prep: The September, October, and November ACT/SAT Test Prep sessions are open for registration here.
ASTRA – We are taking shoe boxes for El Salvator. Each box will count for 3 service hours. They are due by September 29th. You may pick up a list of items in Mrs. Prothro’s office. CLICK HERE for information.
ACT Boot Camp will be held on Saturday, October 21st, from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon in the Learning Center. If you would like to sign up, please contact Sherri Moss at 318-572-5507.
Students in grades 10-12 are invited to attend the 2023 Caddo Parish College Fair. The event will be held at the Centenary Gold Dome on October 26 from 10:15-11:25. Please pick up a field trip form in the Counseling Office and return it no later than 4pm on October 5.
Homecoming Parade – The Homecoming Parade is October 26th at 5:30 P.M. Clubs are responsible for their own floats and throws. Throws can be any beads or candy, except candy with sticks (like lollipops). We do ask that you not throw individual pieces of candy and instead put the throws in some kind of bag or baggie. Floats need to be lined up by 4:30 P.M. on October 26th in the tennis courts. There will be three community judges. The theme is Crush the Cowboys with a superhero theme. Student council is doing a Spider-Man float. Some other ideas are: Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Black Panther, Wonder Woman, The Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Aqua Man, Etc. Let Mrs. Carberry know at awcarberry@caddoschools.org
Students – The Growing for Good Club is now accepting applications. You can pick up an application at room S-105, and the membership fee is $5.00.
Membership Drive for Spanish Club – Please pick up applications between rooms 117 and 118 in the Main Building where the Spanish Club bulletin board is. Students in the Science building can pick up applications outside S304. You are encouraged to pay for the fee online at www.payschoolscentral.com.
Drama Club for the 2023-2024 school year is accepting members NOW! Scan one of the QR code signs around the school, fill out the form, and pay your dues on PayschoolsCentral or to Mr. Williams in room 200 in the main building.

Students – If you are interested in joining the swim team, you may go to cebyrd.com and click the “Athlete Registration” link. If you have any questions, please email rileyquinlan05@gmail.com or see Mrs. Carberry in Room 202.
SOS Letter for Parents – Grades 6th-12th CLICK HERE to read the full letter.
Students – If you are interested in joining the wrestling team, you may go to cebyrd.com and click the “Athlete Registration” link. If you have any questions, please email byrdwrestling@gmail.com. Or contact Coach Wells at 318-393-3388.
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Your Link to EVERYTHING Byrd!
CLICK HERE for the Local Level Events page that includes ALL Byrd events. You can also scan the QR code below.
Student Opportunities:
Volunteer Opportunity
Astra and Key Club – The Red River Revel is coming up SOON and they have a great opportunity and NEED for volunteers! Middle and high school students can sign up through this new website portal to volunteer in The Discovery Maker Zone, a new and improved family & children’s activity area! Volunteers can sign up for shifts that fit their schedule, receive a FREE Revel t-shirt and an invitation to the Preview Party on 9/29. Students can print out their service record after volunteering to easily turn in at school. No more signatures to find! The Revel runs on volunteers to please sign up and have FUN while supporting this wonderful local arts festival! https://red-river-revel.vomo.org/opportunity/dmz-47
Volunteer Opportunity – SALT is excited to provide another volunteer opportunity this Fall! We are working together with CTA instructors to assist in teaching tennis to 3rd, 4th & 5th graders at Broadmoor Stem Academy. This is a great way to give back to our community! High School students may sign up and get service hours for volunteering as well. It is an 8 week program starting on Thursday, September 28th and ending on November 30th with a party for the kids. All volunteers 18+ must be safe play certified. Directions to complete certification can be found at www.usta.com/safeplay. CLICK HERE for Sign-up Genius. Contact Kathryn Wood at 318-455-7539 with any questions.
Volunteer Opportunity – WCR needs your help with our Fall Community Project! This year we will be lending a hand at the Pumpkin Patch at Provenance Community! The Junior League of Shreveport Bossier has asked us to round up as many volunteers as possible for both pumpkin unloading days! We will also need about 5-10 volunteers for face-painting! If you cannot stay the whole time, that is okay! We will take all the help we can get! Unloading days are a fun way to serve the community with your whole family, so bring them all! (Especially those teens needing service hours!) Please see the dates and times below! To register for a shift please email our 2023 Community Project Director, Zondra Spikes at zspikes@kw.com
Student Opportunity – Providence House is seeking applications from high school students interested in serving on the 2023-2024 Youth Advisory Board of Directors. We are expanding our current youth board. This leadership role works with the larger governing board and offers hands-on experience in philanthropy, fundraising, leadership and planning. The Youth Board has its own budget, leadership team and they get to plan events and use their voices to support all efforts around homelessness as well as community leadership. This is an amazing opportunity for young people to make a difference. CLICK HERE for Youth Advisory Council 2023 Student Application.
Robinson Film Center is now accepting applications for the Teen Film Council. This after-school program meets on Mondays and features film production and theory taught by working industry professionals. Prepare for film school or a job in the industry, or just come to learn more about film. Apply now at robinsonfilmcenter.org
Students – Does your child have documented volunteer hours? If your child has 100 hours or more, he or she is eligible to receive the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. This is a national award, and Byrd is the only Caddo Parish School who has students that receive this award. All you need to do is keep up with all volunteer hours that you have for all school organizations, church or faith based activities, or community organizations from last March 1, 2023, through February 28, 2024. You can go back and write down the hours you have from this past spring and summer. Attached is a form. Mrs. Prothro will sign off and verify your activities. Call or email her at 364-5455 or MProthro@caddoschools.org if you have questions. Also, your child needs 15 hours per school year to receive the LA Diploma Community Service Endorsement on their diploma when they graduate. Attached is a form on which these hours may be documented. These forms may be turned in throughout the school year to Mrs. Prothro. If the activities are school related, Mrs. Prothro will sign off on the verification. CLICK HERE for Volunteer Hour Log • CLICK HERE for Community Service Endorsement
Student Opportunity – Seniors are invited to attend the Louisiana Bankers Education Council’s 365 to Rich program on October 18. In this program, you will spend a day shadowing a local banker, visit each department of a bank, learn about career opportunities, and more. After the program, students will receive a daily text for the next 365 days. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Students must complete the attached application and e-mail it to the bank representative by October 6 to be considered. CLICK HERE for flyer. CLICK HERE for Application.
Student Opportunity – The Out of the Darkness Walk will occur on October 28, 2023, at Betty Virginia Park in Shreveport. This walk includes all of NWLA, not just Shreveport/Bossier, so please share this information! This walk benefits the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and its community programs in our area. On average, there are 132 suicides per day in the U.S. 94% of adults surveyed in the U.S. think suicide can be prevented. We are trying to raise awareness, letting people know that it’s okay not to be okay and that resources are available to help. We need your help to do that! Registering for the walk is free (donations are accepted). Register as an individual, create a team, or join an existing one. We then encourage participants to share their fundraising link with family and friends. All donations are tax-deductible. About AFSP OOTD Walks • Our Local Walk Information • AFSP Louisiana Chapter Visit here to register: http://www.afsp.org/
Scholarships & Contests
Poster Contests – All posters must be turned in to Mrs. Prothro by the dates below. The size must be 11 X 14, no glitter, and a flat surface. Each poster must contain the label attached to the back of the poster entry. See Mrs. Prothro for the entry form more information. If you need extra forms, email Mrs. Prothro at MProthro@caddoschools.org or come by her office. CLICK HERE for full list of contests.
Suicide Prevention Week Deadline: September 15th
Mental Health Awareness Week Deadline: September 29th
National Diversity Week Deadline: October 6th
Character Education Week Deadline: October 20th
Red Ribbon Week Deadline: October 27th
Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week Deadline: November 11th
Internet Safety Prevention Week Deadline: December 8th
Scholarship – Class of 2024 Lela’s $1000 FAFSA Completion Scholarship application for the Class of 2024 is now available for those who plan to apply for college financial aid by submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Scholarship – The Willis Knighton/Independence Bowl Community Service Scholarship application is available in the Counseling Office and on the Class of 2024 Counseling Page. One $2500 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior with plans to attend a four-year college. Students must have a 3.0 minimum grade point average and provide documented dedication to community service limited to junior and senior years only. Students must submit applications to Mrs. Byrd in the Counseling Office by 4pm on Monday, October 16th.
Scholarship – Each year, the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation awards 150 college scholarships worth $20,000 to high school students across the United States through the Coca-Cola Scholars Program. Students need a 3.0 GPA and to fill out an online application that requires no essays, no recommendations, and no transcripts by October 2, 2023, at 5 p.m. Eastern. CLICK HERE to access the School Marketing Toolkit
The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program Scholarship application is now available at https://robertsonscholars.org/ The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program provides eight semesters of full tuition, room and board, and most mandatory fees for Scholars at Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill. Scholars also have access to generous funding for up to three summer experiences, funding for conferences throughout the academic year, and for two semesters of study abroad. You may apply either Early Decision or Regular Decision to Duke, or Early Action or Regular Decision to UNC-Chapel Hill. As long as you apply for first-year undergraduate admission to one or both of these universities, you are eligible to apply for the Robertson. All students will learn whether they are moving to the second stage on the same day, regardless of which university application they select. Deadline to apply is November 15th.
Seniors – If you plan to attend the University of Virginia as your top choice school and want to be nominated for the Jefferson Scholarship, please notify Mrs. Byrd in the Counseling Office.
Senior Information
Seniors – Updated transcripts are now available in the Counseling Office. Each student will receive a copy of the transcript during Senior Orientation in English IV classes. If you need one prior to that visit, you can pick one up in the Counseling Office. Transcripts and transcript information cannot be e-mailed or provided over the telephone. All public colleges and universities in Louisiana have access to transcripts and you should not have to send them. If they tell you they cannot access the transcript, or if you need to send a transcript to a private school within Louisiana, or any school outside of Louisiana, you will need to complete the transcript request form at https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/26815. Make sure you submit payment and complete the google form on that page. Students applying to colleges through the Common App do not have to complete the transcript request form. The transcript will be uploaded on the Common App portal.
Seniors – If you plan to attend the University of Virginia as your top choice school and want to be nominated for the Jefferson Scholarship, please notify Mrs. Byrd in the Counseling Office.
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.