Yellow Jacket Sports (May 1 – May 7)
New Today
Congratulations to the Byrd golf team on winning the 2023 LHSAA Boys Division 1 Golf State Championship at Farm d’Allie golf course in Carrencro, Louisiana. This is back-to-back titles for the Yellow Jacket golf team. The championship team included Duke Bowen, James Holtsclaw, Ethan Dial, Shep Smith and Grant Reagan.
Juniors – If you are participating in the Junior Ring Ceremony you may begin bringing your rings to the main office. They MUST be in a box.
Seniors – Order your Favorite Senior’s Byrd Class of 2023 Bouquet TODAY!!! ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO ORDER!! All bouquets will be available for pick-up with a valid ID at the Convention Center IMMEDIATELY following the ceremony. No flowers will be given to any graduate until AFTER the ceremony.
Information for Final Transcripts/ College Transcripts
High School Transcripts: Final transcripts will not be available before mid-June. If a graduate will attend an out of state college or private college in Louisiana, the final transcript must be mailed. It cannot be submitted electronically. You will need to complete the Final Transcript Request for that will be posted to your Canvas account, or on cebyrd.com. We will need the complete name and address of the college/university. Final transcripts are $5.00 each. You must pay on locallevelevents.com. Transcripts will be mailed as soon as they are available. All public colleges and universities in Louisiana have access the final transcripts through the Student Transcript System. They will be able to download transcripts when they are available after mid-June. Students attending public college and universities in Louisiana do not have to submit a final transcript request.
College Transcripts: Records for college credit hours are not available at Byrd. You will need to request final transcripts from the registrar at the college attended (Louisiana Tech, LSU-S). You may view/print unofficial transcripts from your mylsus or BOSS (LaTech) accounts. You will need the student ID/pin provided by the college to access these accounts.
AP and CLEP scores should be sent from your account accessed through collegeboard.org. I recommend you print unofficial transcripts for college credits and take these with you to orientation.
Students – Extra yearbooks are on sale now and you may purchase them on payschoolscentral for $75.00.
Staff and Students – Fresh salads for sale every day in the hydroponics lab during both lunch shifts. Salads are $2.00.
Students – Extra yearbooks are on sale NOW and you may purchase them on payschoolscentral for $75.00.
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents!! Convention Center Rules for Graduation
We will no longer process checkouts after 3:15 with the exception of extreme emergencies.
COVID – Schools are still required to report POSITIVE cases of COVID-19. If a Byrd student tests positive for COVID-19, please contact Lisa Walker Johnson, Assistant Principal for a return to school plan as per the current guidelines. You will need to report the day the student tested positive and the last day the student was on Byrd’s campus. Lisa Walker Johnson, Assistant Principal • lwjohnson@caddoschools.org or 318-364-5462
Astra Club – It is time to join for the upcoming year. Forms are in Mrs. Prothro’s office. Also, if you would like to run for office, sign up in Mrs. Prothro’s office. Also, sign up for Judson Field in Mrs. Prothro’s office.
Off Campus PE – Students who are taking Off Campus PE must have new insurance information for their forms. This is a change as of 4-19-23. Attached is the new checklist and the highlighted changes that have been made. Please email or call Mrs. Prothro if you have questions at MProthro@caddoschools.org or 364-5455. There are NO exceptions to this new policy. CLICK HERE for the checklist.
Astra Club Members – Please come by Mrs. Prothro’s office to vote for Astra Club officers. The deadline is May 9.
Juniors – Ring Ceremony is May 9. If you plan on participating in Ring Ceremony, you need to visit Local Level events to register. Also, be sure you submit your pictures for the slide show on time and to the correct email. All of the information pertaining to the ceremony and slide show is listed on Local Level. Please see Mrs. Cole or Mrs. Bolton if you have any questions. https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/25979
A C Steere Alum are invited to a 5th Grade Class of 2016 Gator Reunion on Tuesday, May 9th, at 3:30 pm in the library.
Freshmen – If you have community service hours to turn in for the Community Service Endorsement for your diploma bring to Mrs. Prothro. This is separate from the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. If you have questions, please call Mrs. Prothro at 364-5455.
C. E. Byrd ACT Test Day Checkout Form – CLICK HERE to print out the form
11th and 12th grade ACT Testing Sites – CLICK HERE for testing room information.
Boys State – See information about Louisiana Boys State below. You sign up on your own if you would like to attend. Please let Mrs. Prothro know if you are planning to go. Register HERE. Flyer HERE.
Lyle Leaders – 10th and 11th graders – Are you interested in attending the Louisiana Youth Seminar? I have some scholarships available on a first come, first serve basis. The 2023 Louisiana Youth Seminar is an exciting opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to participate. The 2023 seminar will be returning in person this year at the LSU Baton Rouge campus. Look up louisianayouthseminar.org for more information. See Mrs. Prothro ASAP if you are interested.

Student Leaders 9th – 11th Grades – Byrd High has four scholarships for students to attend this outstanding leadership conference in Baton Rouge, LA, this summer. The dates are 53rd Louisiana Youth Seminar: July 16-21, 2023. The cost is $550 paid for by a scholarship. The cost is free to students as we have 4 scholarships available. It is first come, first serve. See Mrs. Prothro or call her at 364-5455 for more information. This is a phenomenal opportunity for our students. Registration Information (subject to change):
- LYS tuition is $550 (LYS is a non-profit organization. 100% of the tuition is used to cover food, housing and operating costs.)
- Registration is limited to 225 students total.
- After LYS reaches capacity, registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Byrd Baseball Booster Blanket Sales – Support your fellow jackets by purchasing a spirit blanket! These make great Christmas gifts and we have them in hand ready to deliver. CLICK HERE to order.
Student Opportunities:
South Highlands Alumni – Sign up to work at their Field Day on May 12th in Mrs. Prothro’s office. You may not miss any EOC tests, regular tests or projects. You must provide your own transportation. Space is limited.
First Baptist Graduates – If you would like to work at First Baptist Field Day on May 12th, sign up in Mrs. Prothro’s office. Only students who attended First Baptist may sign up. You may not miss a test or an EOC test or any important project.
Astra Club 9-11th Grades – Mrs. Prothro needs volunteers to work at the Judson Elementary Field Day on May 12, 2023. You must provide your own transportation. See Mrs. Prothro to sign up.
Students – If you are looking to earn service hours, Providence House is looking for energetic, dependable, academically strong high school students to serve as tutors for our children (grades 3-10th). If you are interested in helping, here are the details: Location: 825 Cotton Street in Shreveport. Tutoring will be now through May 18th on Monday – Friday 4:30pm – 6:00pm AND Saturday 10:00am – 12:00pm. All tutors will be provided the books and materials needed to support our students. In addition, there will be on-site, adult supervision during all tutoring sessions. This is a great opportunity for peer-to-peer support and a super way to earn service hours. CLICK HERE for information about tutoring at Providence House.
Volunteer Opportunity – Volunteers of America is looking to fill a need within four of the schools in which we serve: Creswell, Werner Park, Westwood, and Broadmoor STEM Academy. Our goal is to match students with volunteers who would assist them with homework, literacy skills, and/or math for one hour each week after school for the last 9 weeks of this school year. All materials and activities for students are provided. This would be a great opportunity for students and clubs which are required to have service hours! I would like to come by and speak with you further about the possibility of partnering with clubs and organizations within your school. CLICK HERE for the flyer.
Junior Girls and Boys – Girls and Boys State is a phenomenal leadership opportunity for our students. We still have spaces for students to sign up. Please see Mrs. Prothro if you are interested. This looks awesome on your resume’.
Students – If you have any interest in having your student’s interest and career potential assessed, the AIMS (Aptitude Inventory Measurement Service) test is hoping to come to Shreveport in January if there is enough interest. CLICK HERE to read the attached letter and CLICK HERE for more information.
ACT Fee Waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions.
Students – Applications are open for the Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA) – FBI New Orleans, The Tulane University Police Department, and the Louisiana Chapter of the FBI National Academy are proud to announce the introduction of the 2023 Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA) to Louisiana. Two of the nation’s most notable and iconic institutions will conduct law enforcement and legal training for selected youth from the State of Louisiana. The FLEYA training program will be a FREE weeklong overnight camp exposing students (15 to 17 years of age) to federal, state and local law enforcement practices. This joint effort promotes law enforcement career paths by giving the selected youths an inside look at the various practices and techniques as taught by subject matter experts and agency instructors. Tulane’s Uptown campus will serve as the home base for an academic environment with the premier atmosphere to encourage students to pursue higher education and careers in law enforcement. The attached brochure provides more information about the FLEYA program. CLICK HERE for brochure. Link to information and application: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/neworleans/community-outreach
Students – The 2022 Fall LEAP 2025 testing window is now open. This administration will be for those students who have previously been unsuccessful on parts of the LEAP 2025 exam. Only select students are eligible for the retest. Eligible students will be given individual notices of the dates and times they are scheduled to test. Contact Mrs. Johnson if you have questions and/or concerns. lwjohnson@caddoschools.org or 318-364-5462
Students – Are you interested in participating in Film Prize Jr? If you have an idea for a short 3-10 minute live action film, are interested in script writing, pre-production, editing, or filming, see Mrs. Smith in room S307 as soon as possible!
Students – FBI New Orleans, The Tulane University Police Department, and the Louisiana Chapter of the FBI National Academy are proud to announce the introduction of the 2023 Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA) to Louisiana. Two of the nation’s most notable and iconic institutions will conduct law enforcement and legal training for selected youth from the State of Louisiana. The FLEYA training program will be a FREE weeklong overnight camp exposing students (15 to 17 years of age) to federal, state and local law enforcement practices. This joint effort promotes law enforcement career paths by giving the selected youths an inside look at the various practices and techniques as taught by subject matter experts and agency instructors. Tulane’s Uptown campus will serve as the home base for an academic environment with the premier atmosphere to encourage students to pursue higher education and careers in law enforcement. The attached brochure provides more information about the FLEYA program. Link to information and application can be found on the FBI New Orleans website HERE.
Scholarships & Contests
Students – If you are interested in entering any poster contests, please see your teacher or Mrs. Prothro. CLICK HERE for info.
High School Exchange Scholarships for U.S. Citizens – CLICK HERE for Domestic Opportunities CLICK HERE for Study Abroad CLICK HERE for Exchange Student Information
Southern University at Shreveport has band scholarships still available. Students do not have to audition. Scholarships are based on grades A, B, or C as recommended by the director. If interested, please contact Dr. Albert L. Jackson, Director, Southern University at Shreveport Band; aljackson@susla.edu/318-670-9381.
Students – The Louisiana Folklife Center at Northwestern State University is sponsoring the NSU Louisiana
High School Essay contest. This is open to students in grades 9-12. Students will address the prompt “Imagine
yourself in twenty years. What is your occupation. How does your work improve Louisiana?”. Winners will be
awarded a $1600 scholarship to NSU. Deadline is June 1st . Additional information is available in the counseling
office or at Students – The Louisiana Folklife Center at Northwestern State University is sponsoring the NSU Louisiana
High School Essay contest. This is open to students in grades 9-12. Students will address the prompt “Imagine
yourself in twenty years. What is your occupation. How does your work improve Louisiana?”. Winners will be
awarded a $1600 scholarship to NSU. Deadline is June 1 st . Additional information is available in the counseling
office or at www.nsula.edu/folklife/highschoolessay/
Senior Information
Seniors – You must complete one of the following financial aid steps IN ORDER TO GRADUATE: 1) Complete the FAFSA (available at studentaid.gov) This is your TOPS application, as well as application for federal grants and student loans; 2) Complete the Louisiana TOPS form- if you are not completing the FAFSA (available at mylosfa.la.gov). If you choose this step, you must print a confirmation and bring it to the Counseling Office; 3) A parent or legal custodian, or a student legally emancipated or of the legal age of majority, may certify a waiver in writing to the LEA (See Mrs. Byrd for this form) . Only one step is required- you will not complete the FAFSA and the TOPS form. The FAFSA is also the TOPS application. The FAFSA application is available beginning October 1st. Students should complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA application using 2021 income tax information. The FAFSA Completion Guide is attached to this e-mail and is also available on the Class of 2023 Canvas page.
Seniors – AP Capstone Cords are for graduating seniors who have completed both AP Seminar and AP Research. Cords are $10 and are available for purchase on LocalLevelEvents. Cords will be delivered at the Senior Honors Assembly. https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/26148
Seniors – Transcripts are now available. Each senior will receive a copy of his or her transcript during orientation. All public colleges/universities in Louisiana have access to your transcript through the Student Transcript System and we do not have to mail them. If you are applying to an out of state or private college/ university, your transcript must be mailed. You must pay for the transcript on locallevelevents.com and record your receipt number on the transcript request form. **If you are applying through the Common App, you do not have to mail your transcript. These will be sent electronically.
Seniors – If you ordered your caps and gowns with Jostens, they will be delivered to the school in April. If you ordered additional items, they will be delivered to your home as they are available. All orders go through Jostens – the school does not accept any payments and we do not have any information about your order. If you have any questions, you must contact Jostens. 1-800-JOSTENS (567-8367)
Seniors – A financial aid step must be completed in order to graduate. If you need assistance completing your FAFSA, please let Mrs. Byrd in the Counseling Office know.
Important Senior Dates to Remember
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.
CLICK HERE for full printable Byrd Blast.