Yellow Jacket Sports (February 27 – March 5)

New Today
Teacher Appreciation Week 2023 is March 27- March 31. Let’s show our thanks and gratitude to our teachers, faculty, and staff for all they do in and out of the classroom. Please use the link below to make your grade-specific monetary donation to help provide lunch daily and gift cards for the entire faculty and staff. We would like to provide the teachers and staff with door prizes as well. If you know of a business that would donate an item, or if you would like to donate an item or gift card, please send it to the front office or contact your class representative. Let’s make this week extra special! Thanks for all you do! CLICK HERE
Astra Club Officers – Mrs. Prothro needs to see the Astra Club Officers who attended the Junior Achievement Field Trip ASAP.
PTSA Poster Contests – If you entered any contest earlier this year, please come by the main office between classes or at lunch if you haven’t already.
Juniors and Seniors – Save the date! Prom is going to be held on April 15th at the Shreveport Convention Center. Prom contracts will be available starting TODAY outside the main office and in room 206.
College Visits – LSU FRIDAY
ACT Boot Camp – Please contact Sherri Moss at 572-5507 if you want to register for the ACT On Track Test Prep class on Saturday. It will be held in the Learning Center from 8:30 until 11:30 am.
Presenditial Service Award Winners 2023 – Attached is the list of students who have turned in their volunteer hours for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. See Mrs. Prothro if you have questions, or your name has been left off of the list. NOTE: I have one form that is filled out in blue ink that has no name on it. If it is your form, please come see Mrs. Prothro to let her know. CLICK HERE for link.
Astra Club Members – Mrs. Prothro needs some volunteers for The A.C. Steere Heritage Foundation Fund
Run on Friday, March 10th. You will be responsible for counting the laps of the runners and helping with
organizational tasks, making sure the runners have bibs, etc. You will need to be at A.C. Steere from 7:30 a.m.
until 2:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Sign up in Mrs. Prothro’s office. First come, first serve.
Students – Some students need help with their AP Capstone Research project. These surveys are for anyone over 18 years of age. Please fill them out if you can. Survey on the Effect of Social Media on Views of Vaping. Survey on Stance towards Mental Health Services in Schools. Survey on Conditions that influence a Senior’s College Search and Application Process.
We will no longer process checkouts after 3:15 with the exception of extreme emergencies.
COVID – Schools are still required to report POSITIVE cases of COVID-19. If a Byrd student tests positive for COVID-19, please contact Lisa Walker Johnson, Assistant Principal for a return to school plan as per the current guidelines. You will need to report the day the student tested positive and the last day the student was on Byrd’s campus. Lisa Walker Johnson, Assistant Principal • lwjohnson@caddoschools.org or 318-364-5462
Students – The Cinderella Project is a non-profit volunteer organization that fosters empowerment and individual beauty by a providing FREE prom dresses to high school students who cannot otherwise attain them. Our Annual Free Prom Dress Giveaway is Saturday, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at Ayers Career College, 8820 Jewella Avenue. See Mrs. Prothro to pick up an information sheet.
Students – Crazy Ideas Challange Student Pitch Idea on March 8, from 8:30 – 11:30 am. CLICK HERE to RSVP.
Lyle Leaders – 10th and 11th graders – Are you interested in attending the Louisiana Youth Seminar? I have some scholarships available on a first come, first serve basis. The 2023 Louisiana Youth Seminar is an exciting opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to participate. The 2023 seminar will be returning in person this year at the LSU Baton Rouge campus. Look up louisianayouthseminar.org for more information. See Mrs. Prothro ASAP if you are interested.
Freshmen – If you have community service hours to turn in for the Community Service Endorsement for your diploma, please complete the attached form, and bring to Mrs. Prothro. This is separate from the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. If you have questions, please call Mrs. Prothro at 364-5455. CLICK HERE for form.
ACT Fee Waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions.
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Byrd Baseball Booster Blanket Sales – Support your fellow jackets by purchasing a spirit blanket! These make great Christmas gifts and we have them in hand ready to deliver. CLICK HERE to order.
Student Opportunities:
Volunteer Opportunity – If you are in need of volunteer hours, Gingerbread House has an event on Saturday, April 29, 2023 – the second annual Carnival for Good. The event will be at Airline High School. They are needing volunteers to cover 3 shifts. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Contact Chichi Zhang at czhang@gingerbreadhousecac.org with any questions.
Junior Girls and Boys – If you are interested in going to Girls’ State or Boys’ State, please see Mrs. Prothro as soon as possible. Space is limited.
Students – Step Forward’s Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) is committed to introducing programming that impacts teens’ mental wellness in Caddo Parish high schools. TAC in partnership with Ochsner LSU will educate over 200 Caddo students on the Adverse Childhood Effect (ACE) study. Students attending the Mental Health Wellness Series will learn about trauma and the effects of trauma on the brain. Students will also participate in the ACE Core Talks and play the Brain Architect Game. Students will gain an understanding of how individuals and communities can build resilience that strengthens community connections. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the event. Snacks and lunch are provided. There are limited spots. Please scan the QR code below to reserve your spot.
Freshmen – Are you interested in becoming a Lyle Leader? See Mrs. Prothro or Ms. Waters (room S112) for an application, or print one from the PTSA email blast. What is a Lyle Leader? Dr. Lyle, 1958 C. E. Byrd graduate, founded the leadership program by making a donation of $100,000 to C. E. Byrd High School. The 2006-2007 freshman class was the first group to have the opportunity to participate in this program which is designed to develop leadership skills, experience the community and conduct community service projects. The current group has pledged to be active participants in this program for the next three years until they graduate from C. E. Byrd High School. CLICK HERE for application.
Students – If you have any interest in having your student’s interest and career potential assessed, the AIMS (Aptitude Inventory Measurement Service) test is hoping to come to Shreveport in January if there is enough interest. CLICK HERE to read the attached letter and CLICK HERE for more information.
Volunteer Opportunity – SALT is excited to provide another volunteer opportunity this spring. We are working together with the CTA to teach tennis to the kids at the Broadmoor Stem Academy. This is a great way to give back to our community! High school students may sign up and get credit for their volunteer hours as well. It is an 8 week program starting on March 2nd and ends on April 27th with a party for the kids. Please click the sign up genius link below to review the available slots. https://www.signupgenius.com/
ACT Fee Waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions.
Applications are open for the Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA) – FBI New Orleans, The Tulane University Police Department, and the Louisiana Chapter of the FBI National Academy are proud to announce the introduction of the 2023 Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA) to Louisiana. Two of the nation’s most notable and iconic institutions will conduct law enforcement and legal training for selected youth from the State of Louisiana. The FLEYA training program will be a FREE weeklong overnight camp exposing students (15 to 17 years of age) to federal, state and local law enforcement practices. This joint effort promotes law enforcement career paths by giving the selected youths an inside look at the various practices and techniques as taught by subject matter experts and agency instructors. Tulane’s Uptown campus will serve as the home base for an academic environment with the premier atmosphere to encourage students to pursue higher education and careers in law enforcement. The attached brochure provides more information about the FLEYA program. CLICK HERE for brochure. Link to information and application: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/neworleans/community-outreach
Students – The 2022 Fall LEAP 2025 testing window is now open. This administration will be for those students who have previously been unsuccessful on parts of the LEAP 2025 exam. Only select students are eligible for the retest. Eligible students will be given individual notices of the dates and times they are scheduled to test. Contact Mrs. Johnson if you have questions and/or concerns. lwjohnson@caddoschools.org or 318-364-5462
Students – Are you interested in participating in Film Prize Jr? If you have an idea for a short 3-10 minute live action film, are interested in script writing, pre-production, editing, or filming, see Mrs. Smith in room S307 as soon as possible!
Students – If you are interested in being a camp instructor, life guard or activity instructor for the LA Lions Camp, see the attached information or Mrs. Prothro.
Students – FBI New Orleans, The Tulane University Police Department, and the Louisiana Chapter of the FBI National Academy are proud to announce the introduction of the 2023 Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA) to Louisiana. Two of the nation’s most notable and iconic institutions will conduct law enforcement and legal training for selected youth from the State of Louisiana. The FLEYA training program will be a FREE weeklong overnight camp exposing students (15 to 17 years of age) to federal, state and local law enforcement practices. This joint effort promotes law enforcement career paths by giving the selected youths an inside look at the various practices and techniques as taught by subject matter experts and agency instructors. Tulane’s Uptown campus will serve as the home base for an academic environment with the premier atmosphere to encourage students to pursue higher education and careers in law enforcement. The attached brochure provides more information about the FLEYA program. Link to information and application can be found on the FBI New Orleans website HERE.
Scholarships & Contests
Students – If you are interested in entering any poster contests, please see your teacher or Mrs. Prothro. CLICK HERE for info.
Southern University at Shreveport has band scholarships still available. Students do not have to audition. Scholarships are based on grades A, B, or C as recommended by the director. If interested, please contact Dr. Albert L. Jackson, Director, Southern University at Shreveport Band; aljackson@susla.edu/318-670-9381.
Poster Contest – Students – Northwest Louisiana Association of Realtors is holding a poster contest. The Northwest LA winner will receive $500 and go on to compete in the state level competition. The state competition winner will be named on April 25th and receive $1,000. Poster must be 18×24, have the Louisiana Realtor logo included, bring to light everything Fair Housing encompasses, may use any media – digital, paint, sketch, etc, and it must be an original work. Deadline is March 28th and poster must be delivered to the Northwest LA Association of Realtors, 2036 East 70th Street. Call 318-797-0054 for more information. CLICK HERE for details.
Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest – Excellent opportunity for any current high school seniors or college freshmen, sophomores, or juniors that you may know. The Regions Riding Forward Scholarship contest is an essay contest that highlights inspirational Black Americans who have shaped our world. Winners can earn scholarships worth $1,750 – $2,500. Students are asked to submit written or video essays regarding someone who has impacted their life, whether it is a famous icon or a local mentor or hero. High school and college winners will be selected from each of the 15 states served by Regions branches. Details about the contest can be found HERE.
C.E. Byrd High School is excited to announce the Edward C. “Pete” Aldridge Scholarship for students who will be entering college and majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM disciplines). Pete Aldridge is a 1956 graduate of Byrd High School and Distinguished Alumni and member of the Byrd High School Alumni Association Hall of Fame. This will be a one-time scholarship of up to $1,000.00 per student. The scholarship is not renewable. Minimum requirements for the scholarship are the following: The college major must be a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math; Minimum 3.0 average on a 4.0 scale after seven semesters of high school; Your application must include a financial statement of need. Return completed applications to Mrs. Byrd in the counselor’s office. Deadline is Tuesday, March 10th.
The Caddo School Counselors’ Association provides one $500 scholarship to seniors interested in attending LSU-Shreveport and pursuing a degree in the teaching profession. Students must have a 2.5/4.0 gpa, possess good attendance, discipline, strong leadership potential, and demonstrate a willingness to help others. Deadline to apply is March 10th. Applications are available in the Counseling Office or the Class of 2023 Canvas page.
The Women’s Republican Club of Shreveport Scholarship is available in the Counseling Office or the Class of 2023 Canvas page. 5 $1500 scholarships will be awarded to eligible seniors. Students must be 17, female, and registered with the Republican party. Applications are due March 31st.
The 2023 Emmy Noether Award is available to high school senior females planning to pursue graduate degrees in STEM-related fields. After completing undergraduate studies, the Gold Medalist will receive up to $75,000, and the two Silver Medalists will be awarded $25,000 each for qualified graduate-level programs (to be divided over a 3-year span). In addition to the 3 merit winners, up to 10 applicants will be invited as Emmy Noether Scholars to join a network of young female aspiring research scientists and receive information on internship and networking opportunities. An awards banquet will be held in New Orleans on April 23rd, at 12:30 pm to honor the awardees and scholars. Requirements include: Female, Senior in High School, Lives in LA or MS, Pursues a research-based graduate degree and career in a STEM field, and 28 or higher on the ACT. Application available at https://www.thebrownfoundation.org/emmy-noether-award. Application details are available on the Class of 2023 Counseling Canvas page.
Students – The Louisiana Folklife Center at Northwestern State University is sponsoring the NSU Louisiana
High School Essay contest. This is open to students in grades 9-12. Students will address the prompt “Imagine
yourself in twenty years. What is your occupation. How does your work improve Louisiana?”. Winners will be
awarded a $1600 scholarship to NSU. Deadline is June 1st . Additional information is available in the counseling
office or at Students – The Louisiana Folklife Center at Northwestern State University is sponsoring the NSU Louisiana
High School Essay contest. This is open to students in grades 9-12. Students will address the prompt “Imagine
yourself in twenty years. What is your occupation. How does your work improve Louisiana?”. Winners will be
awarded a $1600 scholarship to NSU. Deadline is June 1 st . Additional information is available in the counseling
office or at www.nsula.edu/folklife/highschoolessay/
Senior Information
Seniors – You must complete one of the following financial aid steps IN ORDER TO GRADUATE: 1) Complete the FAFSA (available at studentaid.gov) This is your TOPS application, as well as application for federal grants and student loans; 2) Complete the Louisiana TOPS form- if you are not completing the FAFSA (available at mylosfa.la.gov). If you choose this step, you must print a confirmation and bring it to the Counseling Office; 3) A parent or legal custodian, or a student legally emancipated or of the legal age of majority, may certify a waiver in writing to the LEA (See Mrs. Byrd for this form) . Only one step is required- you will not complete the FAFSA and the TOPS form. The FAFSA is also the TOPS application. The FAFSA application is available beginning October 1st. Students should complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA application using 2021 income tax information. The FAFSA Completion Guide is attached to this e-mail and is also available on the Class of 2023 Canvas page.
Seniors – Transcripts are now available. Each senior will receive a copy of his or her transcript during orientation. All public colleges/universities in Louisiana have access to your transcript through the Student Transcript System and we do not have to mail them. If you are applying to an out of state or private college/ university, your transcript must be mailed. You must pay for the transcript on locallevelevents.com and record your receipt number on the transcript request form. **If you are applying through the Common App, you do not have to mail your transcript. These will be sent electronically.
Seniors – If you ordered your caps and gowns with Jostens, they will be delivered to the school in April. If you ordered additional items, they will be delivered to your home as they are available. All orders go through Jostens – the school does not accept any payments and we do not have any information about your order. If you have any questions, you must contact Jostens. 1-800-JOSTENS (567-8367)
Seniors – A financial aid step must be completed in order to graduate. If you need assistance completing your FAFSA, please let Mrs. Byrd in the Counseling Office know.
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.
CLICK HERE for full printable Byrd Blast.