Yellow Jacket Sports (December 12 – December 18)
New Today
Byrd Choir will present Carols and Cocoa TOMORROW at 6:00 pm. The event will feature free cocoa and be held in the Jack’s Java Courtyard. Come out and listen to the beautiful carols of the season with our choir. It will surely brighten your spirits!
Track – All students interested in Indoor Track please contact Coach Plaza at jeplaza1932@gmail.com or (318) 272-1671. First Practice is Monday, December 12th at the Byrd track. In order to participate at the first practice session you must contact Coach Plaza prior to TODAY.
College Visits – Army National Guard TOMORROW.
Students and Staff – We will have salads through Wednesday this week.
Beta Club is working with Batteries Plus to collect toys for the Shreveport Fire Department’s Operation Santa Claus. Homerooms can compete to collect the most toys for the chance to win a Donut party on December 20th. Please donate new, unwrapped toys for girls and boys to your Homeroom teacher or to Ms. Waters in rm S112. Collection ends the morning of Monday, December 19th.
Students – Interested in traveling to London and Paris in 2024, check out this tour Mr. Williams is taking. Go to www.explorica.com/Williams-5779 or stop by Mr. Williams’ room for information and to sign up. Early Bird sign up incentive before December 21st.
Students – Audition information for the Drama Department’s spring production of Footloose is available outside Mr. Williams’ room (200 Main Building). You MUST have this information to audition on January 9th or 10th. See Mr. Williams for additional information.
Final Exam Schedule:
Thursday, December 15, 2022 – 2nd and 4th Period Exams
Friday, December 16, 2022 -1st and 3rd Period Exams
Monday, December 19, 2022 – 5th and 6th Period Exams
Tuesday, December 20, 2022 –Makeup Exams and 7th Period Exams
School will be released at 1:00 p.m. each of these days.
COVID – Schools are still required to report POSITIVE cases of COVID-19. If a Byrd student tests positive for COVID-19, please contact Lisa Walker Johnson, Assistant Principal for a return to school plan as per the current guidelines. You will need to report the day the student tested positive and the last day the student was on Byrd’s campus. Lisa Walker Johnson, Assistant Principal • lwjohnson@caddoschools.org or 318-364-5462
Calling all talented Jackets!! Buzzfest, the spring skit and talent show hosted by Student Council, will be holding talent auditions on January 24th and January 25th from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. in the auditorium. Please sign up for an audition spot with Mrs. Carberry in room 202 by January 12th.
Seniors – If you didn’t get pictures made this past summer, Harrington House will be here on Tuesday, February 14, from 7:30 am until 9:00 am for pictures. This is a one-shot picture and they will provide the cap and gown.
ACT Fee Waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions.
Seniors – You must complete one of the following financial aid steps IN ORDER TO GRADUATE: 1)Complete the FAFSA (available at studentaid.gov) This is your TOPS application, as well as application for federal grants and student loans; 2) Complete the Louisiana TOPS form- if you are not completing the FAFSA (available at mylosfa.la.gov). If you choose this step, you must print a confirmation and bring it to the Counseling Office; 3) A parent or legal custodian, or a student legally emancipated or of the legal age of majority, may certify a waiver in writing to the LEA (See Mrs. Byrd for this form) . Only one step is required- you will not complete the FAFSA and the TOPS form. The FAFSA is also the TOPS application. The FAFSA application is available beginning October 1st. Students should complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA application using 2021 income tax information. The FAFSA Completion Guide is attached to this e-mail and is also available on the Class of 2023 Canvas page. CLICK HERE for FASFA Completion Guide.
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Byrd Baseball Booster Blanket Sales – Support your fellow jackets by purchasing a spirit blanket! These make great Christmas gifts and we have them in hand ready to deliver. CLICK HERE to order.
Astra Club – The baseball team has asked us once again to donate gift cards of any amount $5-$25 for their Buzz Bash coming up in early 2023. Each $5 amount will count as a volunteer hour. For example, a $5 gift card counts as one hour, a $25 gift card would count as 5 hours, etc. Please bring them to Mrs. Prothro by December 16, 2022. Thanks for your generosity to help another Byrd organization! You are appreciated.
Student Opportunities:
Students – If you have any interest in having your student’s interest and career potential assessed, the AIMS (Aptitude Inventory Measurement Service) test is hoping to come to Shreveport in January if there is enough interest. CLICK HERE to read the attached letter and CLICK HERE for more information.
Astra Club – The baseball team has asked us once again to donate gift cards of any amount $5-$25 for their Buzz Bash coming up in early 2023. Each $5 amount will count as a volunteer hour. For example, a $5 gift card counts as one hour, a $25 gift card would count as 5 hours, etc. Please bring them to Mrs. Prothro by Friday, December 16th. Thanks for your generosity to help another Byrd organization! You are appreciated.
Scholarships & Contests
Students – If you are interested in entering any poster contests, please see your teacher or Mrs. Prothro. CLICK HERE for info.
Perspectives is now accepting entries for this year’s publication. Perspectives is C.E. Byrd’s literary magazine. We publish all types of creative writing and visual art created by current Byrd students. Selected entries are published in a beautiful, full-color magazine printed at the end of the school year. All students who are published in the magazine will receive a free copy to enjoy. Look for QR codes around the school or ask your English teacher for the entry form. Deadline: February 3. Use this link to submit your entry: https://forms.gle/hhxnF6bsF97LqBZPA
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.