Yellow Jacket Sports (August 29-September 4)
8/2-8/3 CE Byrd Volleyball Varsity – Woodlawn Tourney
New Today
Class Officer Elections – If you would like to run for class officer, you can scan the QR codes around campus or go see Mrs. Castleman in room S311. You need to use your Caddo gmail account to fill out the Google Form. DEADLINE to sign-up to run is THIS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1.
Girls Soccer – There will be a mandatory parent informational meeting on Wednesday, September 7th, at 6:30 pm in the Learning Center. Each player must have a representative at the meeting.
Juniors – Josten’s will be here to meet with you on Tuesday, September 13th, and to pass our ring order packets. On Tuesday, October 18th, they will be here from 4:30 – 7:00 pm to take orders in the Learning Center.
NHS Members – Remember there is a mandatory meeting this WEDNESDAY for Juniors and THURSDAY for seniors. We will meet in the Learning Center at 7:45 am.
Seniors – Transcripts are now available. Each senior will receive a copy of his or her transcript during orientation. All public colleges/universities in Louisiana have access to your transcript through the Student Transcript System and we do not have to mail them. If you are applying to an out-of-state or private college/ university, your transcript must be mailed. You must pay for the transcript on locallevelevents.com and record your receipt number on the transcript request form. **If you are applying through the Common App, you do not have to mail your transcript. These will be sent electronically.
Students – Starting TODAY we will no longer process checkouts after 3:15 with the exception of extreme emergencies.
Back to School Night – Please plan to attend Back to School Night TOMORROW. This will be an opportunity to learn about your student’s classes, teachers and what is expected of him/her. You will also have an opportunity in homeroom to join the PTSA, which is one of the important organizations that supports C.E. Byrd High School. PTSA membership dues are $10.00 per member.
4:30 p.m. Doors Open-Registration for PTSA available in the girls’ gym along with spirit items, & yearbooks.
5:45 p.m. Please be in your child’s first period by 5:45 p.m. A video presentation begins at that time.
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Classroom visitation – follow your student’s schedule.
An eighth (8th) period has been added to the schedule to allow you to visit an additional teacher if you wish to do so. Please have your student fill out the schedule below and bring it with you to Back to School Night. It will save you a lot of time.
The following classes will meet in room 106:
Principal from Caddo Career Center will meet with the parents in room 106.
The following physical education classes will meet in Learning Center D:
The following physical education classes will meet in the auditorium:
B classes are in the Basement.
G classes are in the Learning Center or Auditorium, except Band and Orchestra
S classes are in the Lynne Fitzgerald Math/Science Building.
Students – There will be an FCA informational meeting on THURSDAY in the Learning Center at 7:45 am. Come see what we offer!
Youth and Government – YAG IS BACK! Join us for our interest meeting Wednesday, September 8, at 7:40 in the Learning Center. We will be debating a current hot topic and applications will be available.
Key Club interview applications are available by scanning the QR Code. They are posted in every corner on each floor of the main building and at each end of the halls in the science building. They are due by September 15.
Juniors and Seniors – If you are planning to aspire to become a physician and would like to attend the Day with Docs and AHEC Day at Northwestern State University, University of Louisiana at Monroe or LA Tech, please see Mrs. Prothro by September 30 to get more information. The Day with Docs will be January 25, 2023, and the AHEC Day date will be determined at a later date.
Swim Team – Any student interested in joining the Byrd swim team, please see Mrs. Carberry in room 202 or email Coach Steve Carter at stephenrcarter@bellsouth.net. LHSAA forms and physicals need to be completed ASAP. The first meet against Magnet is September 6th at Town South Pool at 7:00 P.M.
Students – There will be an ACT Boot Camp on October 1 from 9:00 until 12:00. It will be held here in the Learning Center. To reserve your spot, please call Sherri Moss at 318-572-5507.
Students – The PSAT will be given at Byrd on Tuesday, October 25. This is a College Board exam which gives 10th and 11th grade students an opportunity to check their progress towards college readiness. It also provides practice for the SAT. For 11th grade students, PSAT scores are used to screen for candidates for the National Merit Scholarship Program Competition. Participation in PSAT testing is voluntary. Students planning to test must register by paying the $18 test fee. The deadline to pay the fee is Friday, September 16th. Payment can be submitted online on PaySchoolsCentral.com or to Marilyn Prothro in the counseling office in room 125. There is no makeup for this exam. The exam fee is non-refundable.
Juniors – All juniors have received an invitation to the Class of 2024 Counseling Page on Canvas. All juniors need to accept this invitation so you will receive information from the Counseling Office.
Seniors – All seniors have received an invitation to the Class of 2023 Counseling Page on Canvas. All students need to accept this invitation so you will receive information from the Counseling Office.
Drama Club membership is open now. Scan a QR Code around the school, or stop by Mr. Williams’ room (Room 200 in the main building). Join us for a year of fun and mystery!
Quiz Bowl is looking for new members! Old and new members need to look for flyers around school and join our Remind.
Students – Anyone interested in joining Spanish Club should pick up an application outside of room 117 or S304.
Stamp Collecting Club – Please stop at Room 204 to complete the Application and obtain your Club Card for our Stamp Collecting Club. We have no fee to join, and you do not have to be a stamp collector to join.
Students – Do you like to grow plants, or want to learn how? Do you want to have a positive impact on others? Then join Growing for Good. Come by room S-105 to learn more and to pick up an application.
Students – Do you like to sing? Join the Byrd Choir as your elective this year! You will learn to sing, have performance opportunities, and even get a chance to go on a field trip to Dallas to see The Lion King on their national Broadway tour! Contact Mrs. Bryan at rbryan@caddoschools.org or in Room T-8.
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Coming soon!
Student Opportunities:
Senior Astra Club Members – If you would like to volunteer at the Red River Revel on Monday, October 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., please see Mrs. Prothro. You must get a signed permission slip, and you must provide your own transportation.
Astra Club Members – Our first service project will be making Christmas shoeboxes for children in El Salvador. The list and directions are in the PTSA email. CLICK HERE for directions.
Students – Providence House is pleased to announce the re-launch of our YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL (YAC). These young leaders will give a voice to a chronic issue that plagues our community: homelessness! YAC will serve as a 14-member advisory group to our current Board of Directors, have the opportunity to participate in board meetings as well as establish and lead their own initiatives and projects. The application deadline is Monday, October 31, 2022. CLICK HERE for application.
Astra Club Members – Did you attend South Highlands Magnet School? Would you like to volunteer at their Fall Carnival? The date is Thursday, October 27 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sign up in Mrs. Prothro’s office!
Students – Are you interested in traveling to Ireland this summer? If so, see Mrs. Smith in S307 or Ms. Springer in S211 for more information!
Club & Organization Information:
Kumon Math and Reading Center Jobs
Scholarships & Contests
Students – If you are interested in entering any poster contests, please see your teacher or Mrs. Prothro. CLICK HERE for info.
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.