New Today
Students will pick up their schedules in the auditorium when they get to school. All students who will be attending the Caddo Career and Technology Center will report the first day at their scheduled time.
Astra Club – Attached is a list of members who have paid their dues according to my records. Please email me at MProthro@caddoschools.org if I have made a mistake. A few girls have said they paid online, but there is no record. You must be a member to attend the Astra Club Back to School Dance, and tickets will be purchased through Local Level events at a later date. There will be more information to follow about the dance, and every girl will need to see Mrs. Prothro before you can purchase a ticket. The dance is August 27. You must be a member of Astra Club by August 15 in order to attend. Attached is a membership form. CLICK HERE for Astra Club 2022-2023 List. CLICK HERE for Atra Club Application.
Seniors– Welcome to senior year! I am so excited to begin working with you and helping you with applications. We are not able to send transcripts just yet. First, we are working to ensure all students have an accurate schedule for the first day of school. After that, I will have to go through all transcripts so the gpa and ranking information is accurate for college applications. I will send out instructions for sending transcripts as soon as they are available. -Amanda Byrd
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Byrd Golf – Support the 2022 State Champion Byrd Golf Team!! Brand new C.E. Byrd Golf t-shirts and hoodies are being sold on local level. https://www.locallevelevents.
Volunteer Opportunities:
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.