Yellow Jacket Sports (January 10 – January 16)
1/13 Men’s Varsity Soccer vs. West Monroe @ CE Byrd | 5:30 pm
IMPORTANT Astra Club – Our winter project will be to help the baseball team with Buzz Bash by donating gift cards for them to use at their fundraiser night. Each girl is asked to donate one gift card worth $5 or more. You can donate more gift cards if you like. Each $5 gift card will count as 1 hour for volunteer service. If you donate a $25 gift card, that would count as 5 hours. Please place your gift card(s), in an envelope with your name on it, and turn it into Mrs. Byrd (senior counselor) in office 124 which is the counseling office. If she is not in her office, you may place them on her desk. The deadline will be TODAY. If you have any questions, you may email Mrs. Prothro at MProthro@caddoschools.org.
Seniors – The Louisiana Department of Education will award a community service endorsement for seniors who meet the following criteria: 9th – 10 hrs, 10th – 20 hrs, 11th – 25 hrs, and 12th – 25 hrs for an 80 hr total. Forms and information are available at https://www.louisianabelieves.com/courses/diploma-endorsements. Students must return the Student Documentation Form and District/School Tracking Form to the counseling office by January 13 to receive the endorsement. See Mrs. Byrd in the counseling office if you have any questions.
Students – Winter Court Nominations are now LIVE in Canvas. All students need to access the Assignment for Winter Court Nominations – MAKE SURE YOU ARE SIGNED INTO YOUR CADDO GMAIL TO ACCESS THE LINKS! You have until Thursday at 4 pm to make your selections. One girl from each grade will be on court in addition to sport sweethearts from all sports – the court will be presented at a home basketball game on February 8.
Mamma Mia! audition information is available in Mr. Williams’ room (200). You need this information if you plan to audition.
Show your school spirit: SUPPORT BYRD BASEBALL! CLICK HERE: https://www.
Pre-Med Day for high school students is on Sunday, January 23 and attendance is $100, which includes lunch. Students can register for Premed Day on SHIP’s website, https://www.
Students – Yearbooks are on sale until January 31 for $65 these can be purchased from a Gusher staff member, payforit.net, or in room 115 with Ms. Saulsbury.
ULM IS OFFERING FREE APPLICATIONS THROUGH JANUARY!! — All students can use the code “HAWKIDAY” to apply for free from now until the end of January.
Students – We would like to formally invite you to the 40th Annual LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Open House that will be held in-person on Saturday, February 5, from 9 am – 3 pm on Skip Bertman Drive at River Road. Open House is free and open to the public. Over 4,000 visitors take the self-guided tour through the world of veterinary medicine and animal health care. More than 50 booths, demonstrations, and exhibits are featured. CLICK HERE for 2021 Virtual Open house
NEW PRIORITY DEADLINE — usually, the priority deadline for scholarship eligibility is January 31st, but this year they are offering scholarships to students who apply through FEBRUARY 28! Any student with a qualifying ACT score and GPA will receive a scholarship if their application is submitted before 2/28. (Admissions requirements here: https://www.ulm.edu/admissions/highschool.html)
Juniors and Seniors – Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is welcoming high school juniors and seniors to be a part of #CAP. The organization seeks to demystify the College Admissions Process for students. Virtual instruction will provide a hands-on approach that includes all of the steps from researching various colleges to completing the application process. Sessions are held the 1st Monday of each month via Zoom. Areas of Emphasis include ACT/SAT, Essay writing, HBCU information, Scholarships, Life skills & More. Requests to join should be submitted to akasro.cap@gmail.com
The Allied Health Education and Discovery (AHEAD) Program is a 5-day summer program for Louisiana high school students interested in exploring the health career programs offered at LSU Health Shreveport – School of Allied Health Professions: Medical Laboratory Scientist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Physician Assistant, Public Health Professional, Respiratory Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist. Apply today at www.lsuhs.edu/AHEAD! Applications are due March 15, 2022. For more information, please contact: Madeline Barclay, MPH at madeline.barclay@lsuhs.edu
ACT & SCHOLARSHIPS – ULM is also accepting ACT scores through the April ACT date for scholarship improvement. They use super scores!!Again, any student eligible for scholarships WILL receive them. Please view scholarship grid here: https://www.ulm.edu/scholarships/freshmen.html (any superscore through April that bumps them into a new category will be honored… they’ll simply get a new scholarship reservation form)
ULM HOUSING APPLICATION — Goes live on January 1st. Priority deadline is March 31st but students can still continue to apply: https://www.ulm.edu/reslife/fall-application.html
Students – Byrd Fishing Team is looking for one more angler! You do not need a partner or a boat to participate. Anyone interested please Contact Brad Kent at 318-393-1312. We fish 6 tournaments between February and June. All tournaments are local.
Students – If anyone is interested in joining the Badminton Club, see Ms. Watkins in Rm 303 or snap the QR codes found on the flyers around the school.
Wrestling – This is the last week to sign up and be on our wrestling team! We have approximately 50 days left in the season. We need all sizes especially in desperate need of smaller sizes – 90lbs-130 lbs. Do you want a challenge? We got it! Go online to Byrd Athletics and fill out paperwork, then come by the wrestling gym after school.
Upcoming Deadlines:
Volunteer Opportunities: