Yellow Jacket Sports (December 6 – December12)
12/9 Men’s Varsity Soccer vs. Ruston @ Ruston | 6:30 pm
12/10 Men’s Varsity Soccer vs. Caddo Magnet @ CE Byrd | 6:00 pm
Softball is once again selling the wonderful Down Home Sausage! Price is $40 for a 10-pound box. It must be purchased at https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/16875
Students – Yearbooks are on sale until January 31st for $65 these can be purchased from a Gusher staff member, payforit.net, or in room 115 with Ms. Saulsbury.
Students – Eat at Newk’s on Tuesday, December 14, between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. Place your receipt in the basket at the front counter and a portion of your purchase will come back to Boys Lacrosse!
Students – It is time again for our annual 5k fundraiser for the softball team. There are two options for this year’s event. You can sign up for the live event that will start at the school on January 15th at 8 am or you can sign up to do the event virtually. With both options, you get a purple long sleeve t-shirt. We will have door prizes and snacks for participants at the live event! Click the link below to sign up! As faculty, you get 25% off. Just put in the code: ford
https://runsignup.com/Race/Register?raceId=60453. Thank you for your support! We are looking forward to a great season!
March 2022 ACT – During the spring of 2022, all 10th, 11th, and a select group of qualifying 12th grade students will have an opportunity to take the ACT here at school at no cost to the student. If your student has an IAP, IEP, or ELL plan which includes classroom accommodations and you would like them to take the ACT with accommodations, a request must be submitted to ACT for approval. Parental consent is required before the request can be submitted. Contact Penny Eason at peason@caddoschools.org or call me at 318 364 – 5470 no later than Friday, December 10, to give ‘Consent to Release Information to ACT’.
Students – AT Home Academy Test Prep and Tutoring will be offering an ACT Prep class for December 11 ACT exam. To register for the prep class, email ATHOMEACAD@GMAIL.COM for a registration form or visit the website at www.athomeacademy.net. for more information.
Please help us honor our Veterans on National Wreaths Across America Day. December 18 at 11:00 am at the Greenwood Cemetery located at 130 E. Stoner Ave. We’d love to have all of CE Byrd join us for the ceremony. Here is the WAA Web address: www.wreathsacrossamerica.org You can also just Goggle: Wreaths Across America 2021 for lots of interesting information.
Senior ads are for sale until January 7 in room 115, local level, or by speaking with a Gusher staff member. All artwork is due to gusherads2022@gmail.com or to room 115 by January 7.
Pre-Med Day for high school students is on Sunday, January 23 and attendance is $100, which includes lunch. Students can register for Premed Day on SHIP’s website, https://www.
Wrestling – We need all sizes and shapes ASAP. Do you play another sport and want to get better? The only sport that matches competitors of the same size? Did you know there are scholarships just waiting to be filled across the nation? Wrestling is hard work but rewarding and actually one of the safest sports around. Our weight classes are less than 106 lbs, 112, 120, 126 ,132, 145, 152, 160, 170, 180, 195, 220, and 285 lbs. As you can see it’s all sizes! With 14 starters! Please complete the sports registration. This is required by LHSAA and a physical to be able to start. If you are interested or have questions please reach out to us via byrdwrestling@gmail.com or Coach Wells at 318-393-8988 or Coach Yawn at 318-426-3569. Practice will be starting soon so get your paperwork done and let us know you are interested.
Juniors and Seniors – Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is welcoming high school juniors and seniors to be a part of #CAP. The organization seeks to demystify the College Admissions Process for students. Virtual instruction will provide a hands-on approach that includes all of the steps from researching various colleges to completing the application process. Sessions are held the 1st Monday of each month via Zoom. Areas of Emphasis include ACT/SAT, Essay writing, HBCU information, Scholarships, Life skills & More. Requests to join should be submitted to akasro.cap@gmail.com
The Allied Health Education and Discovery (AHEAD) Program is a 5-day summer program for Louisiana high school students interested in exploring the health career programs offered at LSU Health Shreveport – School of Allied Health Professions: Medical Laboratory Scientist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Physician Assistant, Public Health Professional, Respiratory Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist. Apply today at www.lsuhs.edu/AHEAD! Applications are due March 15, 2022. For more information, please contact: Madeline Barclay, MPH at madeline.barclay@lsuhs.edu
Upcoming Deadlines:
Internet Safety Prevention Week – Do Your Part #Be Cyber Smart – Deadline is December 10. Turn the posters into Mrs. Byrd in the counselor’s office. Contest rules CLICK HERE.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Astra Club Members – Order your Astra t-shirt from Local Level. The cost is $25. A QR code will be up around the school. https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/17457