Yellow Jacket Sports (Dec 7-Dec 13)
Did you see The City of Byrd featured on the KTBS Morning Show Friday morning? CLICK HERE for the link!
REMINDER: If you have signed up to take the Dec. 12th ACT EXAM, make sure you have uploaded your facial photo. The deadline to submit the photo is TODAY, DECEMBER 4TH!!! AFTER SUBMITTING YOUR PHOTO, PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRINT YOUR ACT TEST ADMISSIONS TICKET!! YOU MUST HAVE THIS PRINTED TICKET WITH YOU ON TEST DAY-DECEMBER 12, 2020.
Juniors and Seniors – If you are interested in taking the ASVAB test on January 21st, please let Mrs. Prothro know by TOMORROW.
Seniors – Get your senior pics and messages in ASAP so Gusher can make their Christmas deadline. You may email them to gusherads2021@gmail.com
Student Council is hosting a Canned Food Drive in support of the NW LA Food Bank. For every ten cans, students can earn one hour of community service. The top three homerooms will earn prizes, too! The drive ends FRIDAY.
Wrestling – Calling any and all athletes. Freshman football is over, want to get better, stronger tougher. come wrestle. We have openings with potential starting positions and possible lettering! Want to wrestle after football season let us know ASAP. If you can’t make practice or cant be dedicated, then we aren’t for you. Want to work, get in shape, and have a life skill? Let us know. Coach yawn 318-426-3569 or markyawn@comcast.net
Basketball season is upon us! All tickets will have to be purchased online at https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/12284. We’ll see you there!