Yellow Jacket Sports (January 23 – January 29)
New TodayÂ
Tennis Meeting – TODAY at 3:00 pm, Tennis Team Interest Meeting in the Learning Center – Students may not eat or drink in the Learning Center.
Astra Club Officers – If you are planning to go to the Junior Achievement Luncheon on February 26th, please go by Mrs. Prothro’s office for a permission slip if you have not already done so.Â
Congratulations to our Jacket Bowling Teams! They beat Shreve this past week in two consecutive matches!
Staff and Students – Student Council will be hosting a blood drive on Friday, January 27th, in the Learning Center. Please consider donating! Each donation can save three lives!
Poster Contest – Students – Northwest Louisiana Association of Realtors is holding a poster contest. The Northwest LA winner will receive $500 and go on to compete in the state level competition. The state competition winner will be named on April 25th and receive $1,000. Poster must be 18×24, have the Louisiana Realtor logo included, bring to light everything Fair Housing encompasses, may use any media – digital, paint, sketch, etc, and it must be an original work. Deadline is March 28th and poster must be delivered to the Northwest LA Association of Realtors, 2036 East 70th Street. Call 318-797-0054 for more information. CLICK HERE for details.
Students – If you are interested in joining the track team, here are the links to register and to the physical form that must be completed by your doctor. The next practice will be this afternoon. You may come by the main office to pick up the registration and Physical Form information. Register HERE. Get a physical exam ASAP and complete the LHSAA Physical Exam form HERE.
Students 9-12th grades – Do you have 100 or more volunteer hours from March, 2022 to March 1, 2023? If so, you are eligible for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award which is a national award to recognize people who are committed to community service to make our world a better place. Please bring your volunteer sheets with your total number of volunteer hours to Mrs. Prothro or email them to her at MProthro@caddoschools.org. If you have any questions, please call (364-5455) or email Mrs. Prothro. Any community service through school, nonprofit organizations, and church activities can be counted toward your total number of community service hours. Attached is a volunteer log sheet if you would like to use it; however, you do not have to use this one. I will accept any log sheets that have the activities and hours listed. The deadline is March 1, 2023. CLICK HERE for log.
We will no longer process checkouts after 3:15 with the exception of extreme emergencies.
COVID – Schools are still required to report POSITIVE cases of COVID-19. If a Byrd student tests positive for COVID-19, please contact Lisa Walker Johnson, Assistant Principal for a return to school plan as per the current guidelines. You will need to report the day the student tested positive and the last day the student was on Byrd’s campus. Lisa Walker Johnson, Assistant Principal • lwjohnson@caddoschools.org or 318-364-5462
LSU Vet Med’s Open House 2023 – We would like to formally invite you to the 40th LSU School of Veterinary Medicine’s Open House on Saturday, January 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Skip Bertman Drive at River Road. Open House is free and open to the public. Over 4,000 visitors take the self-guided tour through the world of veterinary medicine and animal health care.
Juniors – Josten’s will be here on February 8th to take final ring orders. Mr. Jordan will be here during both lunch shifts down by the café. A $50.00 deposit is required to place an order
Students – Every year SHIP, or Support for Humanitarianism through Intercontinental Projects, puts on a fundraiser called Pre-Med Day. These days are designed to give students an opportunity to get a preview of what it is like to be a medical student at LSU Shreveport School of Medicine. Students will tour the school, participate in intubation and suturing workshops, experience our cadaver lab, and interact with some current medical students. This allows students to get excited about medical school as well as ask questions regarding how to best prepare themselves for the application process. Students will also learn more about SHIP itself and the opportunities SHIP provides to medical students at LSU Health Shreveport. This year Pre-Med Day will be held on Sunday, February 12th.
Seniors – If you didn’t get pictures made this past summer, Harrington House will be here on Tuesday, February 14, from 7:30 am until 9:00 am for pictures. This is a one-shot picture and they will provide the cap and gown.
Students – The very last day to order a 2023 Byrd Yearbook is March 1st! We will only have a limited number of yearbooks available so order your copy now! Cost is $65.00 and you may go to payschoolscentral.com to make your purchase. Â
ACT Fee Waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions.
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Byrd Baseball Booster Blanket Sales – Support your fellow jackets by purchasing a spirit blanket! These make great Christmas gifts and we have them in hand ready to deliver. CLICK HERE to order.
Student Opportunities:
Students – If you have any interest in having your student’s interest and career potential assessed, the AIMS (Aptitude Inventory Measurement Service) test is hoping to come to Shreveport in January if there is enough interest. CLICK HERE to read the attached letter and CLICK HERE for more information.
ACT Fee Waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions.
Applications are open for the Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA) – FBI New Orleans, The Tulane University Police Department, and the Louisiana Chapter of the FBI National Academy are proud to announce the introduction of the 2023 Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA) to Louisiana. Two of the nation’s most notable and iconic institutions will conduct law enforcement and legal training for selected youth from the State of Louisiana. The FLEYA training program will be a FREE weeklong overnight camp exposing students (15 to 17 years of age) to federal, state and local law enforcement practices.  This joint effort promotes law enforcement career paths by giving the selected youths an inside look at the various practices and techniques as taught by subject matter experts and agency instructors. Tulane’s Uptown campus will serve as the home base for an academic environment with the premier atmosphere to encourage students to pursue higher education and careers in law enforcement. The attached brochure provides more information about the FLEYA program. CLICK HERE for brochure. Link to information and application: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/neworleans/community-outreach
Volunteer Opportunity – IDEAS Day is a completely free event put on every spring by LSUHS-Shreveport Science Matters Interest Group for the kids in the community to learn about various fields in STEM. There will be numerous demonstrations set up that are sponsored by departments and organizations on and off campus, hopefully giving our local kids a wide exposure to the world of STEM. This year IDEAS Day will be held at LSU Shreveport on February 25, 2023 from 9am-3:30pm. We will need volunteers for set-up, check-in, working the booths, traffic flow, and clean-up. To sign up for a shift or the whole event use the google form HERE. A more detailed email with specific job signups and day-of details will be sent out closer to the event once all booths are finalized.
Students – The 2022 Fall LEAP 2025 testing window is now open. This administration will be for those students who have previously been unsuccessful on parts of the LEAP 2025 exam. Only select students are eligible for the retest. Eligible students will be given individual notices of the dates and times they are scheduled to test. Contact Mrs. Johnson if you have questions and/or concerns. lwjohnson@caddoschools.org or 318-364-5462
Students – Are you interested in participating in Film Prize Jr? If you have an idea for a short 3-10 minute live action film, are interested in script writing, pre-production, editing, or filming, see Mrs. Smith in room S307 as soon as possible!
Students 9-12th grades – Do you have 100 or more volunteer hours from March, 2022 to March 1, 2023? If so, you are eligible for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award which is a national award to recognize people who are committed to community service to make our world a better place. Please bring your volunteer sheets with your total number of volunteer hours to Mrs. Prothro or email them to her at MProthro@caddoschools.org. If you have any questions, please call (364-5455) or email Mrs. Prothro. Any community service through school, nonprofit organizations and church activities can be counted toward your total number of community service hours. Attached is a volunteer log sheet if you would like to use it; however, you do not have to use this one. I will accept any log sheets that has the activities and hours listed. The deadline is March 1, 2023.Â
Scholarships & Contests
Students – If you are interested in entering any poster contests, please see your teacher or Mrs. Prothro. CLICK HERE for info.
Perspectives is now accepting entries for this year’s publication. Perspectives is C.E. Byrd’s literary magazine. We publish all types of creative writing and visual art created by current Byrd students. Selected entries are published in a beautiful, full-color magazine printed at the end of the school year. All students who are published in the magazine will receive a free copy to enjoy. Look for QR codes around the school or ask your English teacher for the entry form. Deadline: February 3. Use this link to submit your entry: https://forms.gle/hhxnF6bsF97LqBZPA
Southern University at Shreveport has band scholarships still available. Students do not have to audition. Scholarships are based on grades A, B, or C as recommended by the director. If interested, please contact Dr. Albert L. Jackson, Director, Southern University at Shreveport Band; aljackson@susla.edu/318-670-9381.
 The Reynolds Foundation Scholarship is available in the Counseling Office. Students must be a current senior, plan to immediately enroll in a 2-year or 4-year institution of higher learning, or vocational school, have a minimum 2.5 gpa, and complete a community service project(s) for the application by Winter break. Deadline to submit the application is January 31st.
The Future of STEM Scholars Initiative (FOSSI) Scholarship is available at https://futureofstemscholars.org/fossi/apply. Students must have a 3.0/4.0 gpa, plan to attend an HBCU and major in science, technology, engineering or math and interest in pursuing a career in chemical manufacturing, engineering, environmental health and sustainability or other related chemical-industry fields. Deadline to apply is January 31st.Â
Juniors – The Coolidge Scholarship is a full ride, four-year, merit scholarship that may be used by recipients for undergraduate study at any accredited college or university in the United States. Any high school junior who plans to enroll in college in the fall of 2024 and is an American citizen or legal permanent resident is eligible to apply. Winners may use the scholarship to pursue any academic major. The scholarship application, along with additional information, can be assessed on the scholarship site: www.coolidgescholars.org.  More detailed information can also be found on the Class of 2024 Canvas page. The submission deadline is 5:00 p.m. eastern time, Thursday, February 23, 2023.
The Caddo School Counselors’ Association provides one $500 scholarship to seniors interested in attending LSU-Shreveport and pursuing a degree in the teaching profession. Students must have a 2.5/4.0 gpa, possess good attendance, discipline, strong leadership potential, and demonstrate a willingness to help others. Deadline to apply is March 10th. Â Applications are available in the Counseling Office or the Class of 2023 Canvas page.
Senior Information
Seniors – You must complete one of the following financial aid steps IN ORDER TO GRADUATE: 1) Complete the FAFSA (available at studentaid.gov) This is your TOPS application, as well as application for federal grants and student loans; 2) Complete the Louisiana TOPS form- if you are not completing the FAFSA (available at mylosfa.la.gov). If you choose this step, you must print a confirmation and bring it to the Counseling Office; 3) A parent or legal custodian, or a student legally emancipated or of the legal age of majority, may certify a waiver in writing to the LEA (See Mrs. Byrd for this form) . Only one step is required- you will not complete the FAFSA and the TOPS form. The FAFSA is also the TOPS application. The FAFSA application is available beginning October 1st. Students should complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA application using 2021 income tax information. The FAFSA Completion Guide is attached to this e-mail and is also available on the Class of 2023 Canvas page.
Seniors – Transcripts are now available. Each senior will receive a copy of his or her transcript during orientation. All public colleges/universities in Louisiana have access to your transcript through the Student Transcript System and we do not have to mail them. If you are applying to an out of state or private college/ university, your transcript must be mailed. You must pay for the transcript on locallevelevents.com and record your receipt number on the transcript request form. **If you are applying through the Common App, you do not have to mail your transcript. These will be sent electronically. Â
Seniors – If you didn’t get pictures made this past summer, Harrington House will be here on Tuesday, February 14th, from 7:30 am until 9:00 am for pictures. This is a one shot picture and they will provide the cap and gown.
CLICK HEREÂ for all scholarship opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.