Yellow Jacket Sports (September 6 – September 11)
8/12 CE Byrd Volleyball JV and Varsity vs. Northwood | 5 and 6 pm
8/13 CE Byrd Volleyball Freshman, JV, and Varsity vs. Shreve | 5 and 6 pm
8/14 CE Byrd Volleyball Freshman, JV, and Varsity vs Loyola | 5 and 6 pm
New Today
Seniors – The Vanderbilt Admissions Road Show is coming to Byrd. On TODAY, an admissions representative will provide a presentation about Vanderbilt to interested students, parents, and counselors . The program will take place in the auditorium. Registration begins at 6:30 and the program will last from 7-8:30. Please use this link to sign up so they can prepare for the visit: CLICK HERE
College Visit – A representative from LSU will be outside the café during both lunch shifts TODAY.
Students – Are you interested in traveling to Ireland this summer? There will be an interest meeting TODAY, September 12 at 5:30 pm in room S307. Contact Emily Smith or Stephanie Springer if you have any questions.
Boys Basketball will be having tryouts for students who do not play football on Monday, September 19, from 6-7:30 PM.
Juniors – Josten’s will be here to meet with you TOMORROW, during EIP to pass our ring order packets. On Tuesday, October 18, they will be here from 4:30 – 7:00 pm to take orders in the Learning Center. If you have Career Center classes first and second periods YOU ARE TO GO TO CLASS. You may pick up a packet from Mrs. Bolton’s Room S213 or the front office when you return.
Auditions for Byrd Drama’s fall production of CLUE will be held in room 200 (Mr. Williams’ Room) TOMORROW and WEDNESDAY, September 13 & 14, at 6:00 PM. You MUST come by Mr. Williams’ room and pick up the audition scenes and audition information sheet. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Williams.
College Visit – Centenary • WEDNESDAY
Students – The PSAT will be given at Byrd on Tuesday, October 25. This is a College Board exam which gives 10th and 11th grade students an opportunity to check their progress towards college readiness. It also provides practice for the SAT. For 11th grade students, PSAT scores are used to screen for candidates for the National Merit Scholarship Program Competition. Participation in PSAT testing is voluntary. Students planning to test must register by paying the $18 test fee. The deadline to pay the fee is THIS FRIDAY. Payment can be submitted online on PaySchoolsCentral.com or to Marilyn Prothro in the counseling office in room 125. There is no makeup for this exam. The exam fee is non-refundable.
Students – The National Beta Club is an academic, leadership and service organization for high school students. Students have opportunities to compete at conventions, earn scholarships, serve their school and community and participate in leadership conferences. Beta club applications are available outside s112 and the main office. Applications and dues will be collected after school Thursday, September 22, and Friday, September 23rd.
Parents – Please complete this short school climate survey by October 1. The entire survey only takes about five minutes. Byrd High Parent Survey: CLICK HERE
College Visits – Army • September 13
College Visits – Xavier • October 24
College Visits – University of Arkansas • October 25
Students 9-12 th grades – Do you have 100 or more volunteer hours from March, 2022 to March 1, 2023? If so, you are eligible for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award which is a national award to recognize people who are committed to community service to make our world a better place. Please bring your volunteer sheets with your total number of volunteer hours to Mrs. Prothro or email them to her at MProthro@caddoschools.org. If you have any questions, please call (364-5455) or email Mrs. Prothro. Any community service through school, nonprofit organizations and church activities can be counted toward your total number of community service hours. Attached is a volunteer log sheet if you would like to use it; however, you do not have to use this one. I will accept any log sheets that has the activities and hours listed. The deadline is March 1, 2023. CLICK HERE for log.
Key Club interview applications are available by scanning the QR Code. They are posted in every corner on each floor of the main building and at each end of the halls in the science building. They are due by September 15.
Students – There will be an FCA informational meeting on Thursday, September 15, in the Learning Center at 7:45 am. Come see what we offer!
Seniors – If you are planning to attend the University of Virginia and would like to be nominated for the Jefferson Scholarship, please let Mrs. Byrd know by 4 pm Friday, September 16.
Students – Senator Bill Cassidy and members of the Louisiana Congressional Delegation will be hosting a Service Academy Day event on Saturday, September 24 at the Capitol Park Museum from 8:30 AM to Noon. Service Academy Day will feature presentations from all five Service Academies, namely the U.S. Military, Naval, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine Academies. Those Academies provide graduates bachelor’s degrees and commissioned officer positions in the Armed Forces, and at least three of the Academies are tuition-free. Additionally, there will be presentations from Army, Navy and Air Force ROTC units attached to local Universities, and a presentation on the Congressional nominations process. To attend most Academies, students are required to obtain a nomination. Afterwards, parents and students will be able to ask questions of the Academy, ROTC and Congressional nominations at their booths. Service Academy Day is free to attend. People who want to attend should RSVP by emailing the contact on the attached flyer.
Students – The National ‘See You at the Pole’ Day is Wednesday, September 28. Come join us at the pole in front of the school at 7:45 am!
Students – Boys interested in playing lacrosse this spring, please fill out the interest form using the QR code or link in Instagram bio. No experience necessary. Open to all grade levels and all multisport athletes. https://docs.google.
Juniors and Seniors – If you are planning to aspire to become a physician and would like to attend the Day with Docs and AHEC Day at Northwestern State University, University of Louisiana at Monroe or LA Tech, please see Mrs. Prothro by September 30 to get more information. The Day with Docs will be January 25, 2023, and the AHEC Day date will be determined at a later date.
Students – There will be an ACT Boot Camp on October 1 from 9:00 until 12:00. It will be held here in the Learning Center. To reserve your spot, please call Sherri Moss at 318-572-5507.
College Visit – University of Arkansas • October 25
ACT Fee Waivers are available in the Counseling Office for juniors and seniors who meet the criteria for free/reduced lunch. Students are eligible for 4 fee waivers during their junior and senior years. When registering for the ACT with a fee waiver, students receive free ACT prep available through their ACT accounts. Please see your counselor if you have any questions.
Staff and Students – Salads made from fresh lettuce grown in our own hydroponic lab will be on sale today during both lunch shifts. You can buy them in the hydroponics lab at Jack’s Landing. Large salads are $4 and small are $3.
Miles for Smiles is a mobile dental care service offered to students at our school. For more information go to milesforsmiles.com, or call Mrs. Prothro at 364-5455. See attached for more information. CLICK HERE for application.
Support Your Fellow Jackets!
Homecoming shirt sales are live on Local Level Events! Please purchase your Homecoming shirt to support Student Council. Choose the member you want to credit for sale from the list. Sales end September 14th.
Support Byrd FCA! Shirt sale! CLICK HERE for link.
Student Opportunities:
Senior Astra Club Members – If you would like to volunteer at the Red River Revel on Monday, October 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., please see Mrs. Prothro. You must get a signed permission slip, and you must provide your own transportation.
Astra Club Members – Our first service project will be making Christmas shoeboxes for children in El Salvador. The list and directions are in the PTSA email. CLICK HERE for directions.
Astra Club Members – Did you attend South Highlands Magnet School? Would you like to volunteer at their Fall Carnival? The date is Thursday, October 27 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sign up in Mrs. Prothro’s office!
Students – Providence House is pleased to announce the re-launch of our YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL (YAC). These young leaders will give a voice to a chronic issue that plagues our community: homelessness! YAC will serve as a 14-member advisory group to our current Board of Directors, have the opportunity to participate in board meetings as well as establish and lead their own initiatives and projects. The application deadline is Monday, October 31, 2022. CLICK HERE for application.
Volunteer Opportunity
Students – TAC (teen advisory council) is looking to get back started! TAC is a group from the YWCA LEAD Program. The young ladies that take part of this opportunity would take on leadership roles and assist with guiding the LEAD Program here at YWCA. The LEAD Program serves pre-teen and teen girls in our community through empowerment sessions. The sessions address topics such as: leadership, social skills, proper communication, self esteem, etc. THIS LINK will provide the girls with an overview of expectations and an application. Or call 318-771-3858 should you need any further information. CLICK HERE for application.
Scholarships & Contests
Students – If you are interested in entering any poster contests, please see your teacher or Mrs. Prothro. CLICK HERE for info.
The Willis-Knighton/Independence Bowl Foundation Scholarship application is now available in the Counseling Office and the Class of 2023 Canvas page. This $2500 scholarship will go to a graduating senior in Caddo Parish. The scholarship is based on academic achievement and community service. Students must be a graduating senior with plans to attend a four-year college, have a minimum 3.0 grade point average, and documented dedication to community service limited to their junior and senior years. Applications are due to Mrs. Byrd in the Counseling Office no later than 4pm on Monday, October 17.
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.