
PTSAByrdBlastByrd High School, PTSA Byrd Blast

Yellow Jacket Sports (September 20 – September 26)

9/24 Varsity Football vs. Haughton @ Haughton | 7:00 PM


Haughton Football Game- Parents are urged to have their students buy football tickets for the Haughton game due to COVID restrictions.  Students may buy them before school and during lunch on Thursday and Friday.  Parents needing to purchase tickets may do so ONLY on Friday morning from 9:00 am until 11:00 am at the north end of Jack’s Landing. Due to construction on Haughton’s campus, carpooling is strongly encouraged.  If you do not carpool, there is parking at the Haughton Baptist Church with shuttle service provided or you may have to park further away.

Juniors – If you would like to serve on Junior Ring Staff, please come by room S-105 to apply.  The deadline is this TODAY!

Students – The last day to join the Spanish club is this TODAY.

College Visit – Louisiana Tech will have a representative on campus TODAY during lunch down by the café.

ASVAB – If you would like your child to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test (ASVAB), please let me know by November 8, 2021. We are offering this to all 11th graders, and any 12th graders who indicate that they are interested. The test will be given on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, in the Learning Center.  Please encourage your students to sign up. This is a great way for them to find out what will most benefit them when they graduate from high school.  This does not mean they are going into the military. This is the only time this test will be offered at Byrd this year.   If you have any questions, please call me at 364-5455 or email me at MProthro@caddoschools.org.

Americanism Essay Contest For Grades 7 to 12 – CLICK HERE for more info

Seniors– If you are interested in attending one of America’s Service Academies (West Point, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, Coast Guard Academy, or Merchant Marine Academy), you should RSVP for the Virtual Service Academy Day. The Virtual Service Academy Day will be held TOMORROW from 9-12. Information is available in the counseling office or the Class of 2022 Canvas page. CLICK HERE for flyer.

Astra Club Members – If you attended First Baptist, please come by to sign up to help work at the First Baptist Carnival on Thursday, October 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  You may come by Mrs. Prothro’s office or email her at MProthro@caddoschools.org.  We need 10 girls!  It is first-come, first-serve.  You must provide your own transportation, and you will be excused the entire day.

Students – StuCo will be coming around to first-hour classes for pictures and to count your participants. The top 3 classes based on a percentage of participation will win donuts for your classes the following week. Let’s have a great week celebrating Homecoming! Monday – Marvel Monday, Tuesday – 70s Day (Parade at 6:00 P.M. that evening) “Peace Out Chiefs”, Wednesday – Wilderness Wednesday, Thursday – Jersey Thursday or College Day T-shirts, and Friday – Homecoming shirts.

Girls Soccer – Anyone interested in trying out for girl soccer there will be a mandatory parent meeting on September 28 at 6:30 pm in the learning center. This is a parent-only meeting due to COVID restrictions and only 1 parent per player.  Masks must be worn.  Any questions please email Coach Levermann at lmlevermann@caddoschools.org

T-Shirt Sale – PTSA is doing a PRE-SALE ONLY of this cute shirt! • T-shirts are $20 and deadline to order is Wednesday, September 29. Use Local level link HERE to order. • White shirt with circle on the front and Louisiana/Jacket on the back. Each graduation year will be featured on the flag of the shirt.

Freshman Ride and Dine – CLICK HERE or see the flyer below.


Students – If you wish to join African American Studies scan the QR code around the school or stop by Mrs. Jones in Room 314. The first meeting will be on MONDAY  before school at 7:50 or after school at 4 in Room 314.

PSAT – The PSAT will be given at Byrd on Tuesday, October 26.  This is a College Board exam that gives 10th and 11th grade students an opportunity to check their progress towards college readiness.  It also provides practice for the SAT.  For 11th grade students, PSAT scores are used to screen for candidates for the National Merit Scholarship Program Competition.  Participation in PSAT testing is voluntary.  Students planning to test must register by paying the $17 test fee.  The deadline to pay the fee is MONDAY.  Payment can be submitted online on PayForIt.net or to Marilyn Prothro in the counseling office.  There is no makeup for this exam.  The exam fee is non-refundable.

10, 11, and 12 Grade Lyle Leaders – We have The Honorable Charles G. Tutt coming to speak to a group in the Learning Center for Constitution Day on MONDAY.  Not everyone will be able to attend due to Covid rules.    It will be in the Learning Center from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.   Sign up in Ms. Waters’ room, S112, Mrs. Prothro’s office 125 or email Mrs. Prothro at MProthro@caddoschools.org.  It is first-come, first-serve.

College Visits – Centenary September 28

May 2022 AP Exam Ordering – It is time to begin the ordering process for AP exams scheduled for May 2022.  All AP students must create a College Board account at myap.collegeboard.org if you do not already have an account.  If you have an account log in with your College Board user ID and password.  After signing in, you must do the following:  Ask each of your AP teachers for the join code for your class period, join the class by entering the join code in your myap classroom account; exams cannot be ordered if you do not enter the correct join code in your account, and change your exam decision from ‘undecided’ to ‘yes’ or ‘no’, indicating your plans to take the AP exam in May 2022. The deadline to enter join codes and indicate your exam decision is October 1. CLICK HERE for AP Exam Timeline and additional information. 

StudentsIf you are interested in joining Drama Club, scan the QR code on the signs around the school or stop by Mr. Williams’ Room (200 in the main building). Deadline for joining in October 1.

College Visits – NSU October 5

On Track Test Prep is hosting a Boot Camp for the October ACT in the Learning Center.  The date is Saturday, October 9 from 9:00 until 12:00.  Please call Mrs. Moss at 572-5507 to sign up.

Students – If you are interested in joining the Perspectives staff and being a part of publishing our school’s literary and art magazine, come pick up an application from Mrs. Maier in Room 203. Applications are due by October 13.

Scholarship – Willis-Knighton/Independence Bowl Foundation Scholarship application is available in the Counseling Office. The scholarship will be based on both academic achievement and community service. Students must have a 3.0 gpa, documented dedication to community service limited to junior and senior year, and plan to attend a four-year college.  One graduating senior in Caddo Parish will be awarded a $2500 scholarship. Applications must be turned in to Mrs. Byrd in the Counseling Office by 4 pm, Friday, October 15.

College Visits – University of Arkansas October 20.

Seniors – Caddo Parish is hosting a College Career Fair at Centenary College on Thursday, October 21. College representatives from Louisiana and surrounding states will be in attendance. Please complete the google form found in your Canvas announcements. Once we know how many students are interested, we can request a time and send out permission slips. Transportation will be provided. This usually takes about one and a half hours during the school day.

College Visits – Louisiana Honors College October 26.

Prudential Emerging Visionaries awards – Now through November 4, 2021, applications are being accepted from young leaders, ages 14-18, who bring powerful vision and real change to financial and societal challenges. Those selected may qualify for up to $15,000 in awards, an all-expenses-paid trip with their parent or guardian to Prudential headquarters — as well as coaching and skills development to help take their innovation to the next level. To learn more about Prudential Emerging Visionaries, student eligibility, and more, please visit www.prudential.com/emergingvisionaries

Please help us honor our Veterans on National Wreaths Across America Day. December 18 at 11:00 am at the Greenwood Cemetery located at 130 E. Stoner Ave. We’d love to have all of CE Byrd join us for the ceremony. Here is the WAA Web address: www.wreathsacrossamerica.org You can also just Goggle: Wreaths Across America 2021 for lots of interesting information.

PSAT Participants – If you sign up online, please come by Mrs. Prothro’s office to pick up your study booklets.

Girl Up is one of our newest service clubs on campus. Our membership drive begins this week and there is no cost to join. Scan the QR code in the hall to sign up.  Any questions contact Mrs. Levermann in the girls PE office.

Wrestling – We need all sizes and shapes ASAP.  Do you play another sport and want to get better?  The only sport that matches competitors of the same size?  Did you know there are scholarships just waiting to be filled across the nation? Wrestling is hard work but rewarding and actually one of the safest sports around. Our weight classes are less than 106 lbs, 112, 120, 126 ,132, 145, 152, 160, 170, 180, 195, 220, and 285 lbs. As you can see it’s all sizes!  With 14 starters!  Please complete the sports registration.  This is required by LHSAA and a physical to be able to start.  If you are interested or have questions please reach out to us via byrdwrestling@gmail.com or Coach Wells at 318-393-8988 or Coach Yawn at 318-426-3569.  Practice will be starting soon so get your paperwork done and let us know you are interested.

Gayarre History Club is accepting members for the 2021-2022 school year. Click the QR code on the fliers around the school or join by completing the application on www.gayarre.org/join and paying the dues on payforit. This academic club hosts guest speakers and movie nights, works on archives and history of Byrd and the community, and hosts the annual Gayarre Conference. Two-year members can receive honor cords to wear at graduation.

Students – Kbyrd needs your questions for their newest weekly segment, “Tea Time with Katie and Mary.” Question boxes are located in front of the auditorium in the main building and in front of the KByrd room in S305! If you need advice or have a question that you want on next week’s episode, drop in one of the boxes!

Students 9-12 Grades – Any student who has 100 hours or more of volunteer service from March, 2021 to February 15, 2022, is eligible to receive the Presidential Volunteer Service Award.  These hours can be any service hours for any club, organization, church, or community activities.  Attached is a log you may use to keep up with your hours.  This does not replace the specific activities or volunteer opportunities required by the different clubs and organizations you participate in at Byrd; however, all of those activities can count toward this award given out in the spring of each year.  For more information, call Mrs. Prothro at 364-5455. CLICK HERE for log.

Boys LacrosseStronger. Better. Byrd Lacrosse. Do you have what it takes?! The Boys Lacrosse team is looking for players. Fill out the interest form HERE. We’re looking for players who are: Competitive, Physical, Athletic, Coachable, Mentally and Physically Tough!! We have Varsity and JV teams with playing opportunities on both teams. The 2021 team made it all the way to the Final Four in the State Championship last year! No prior playing experience necessary.

Juniors and Seniors – Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is welcoming high school juniors and seniors to be a part of #CAP. The organization seeks to demystify the College Admissions Process for students. Virtual instruction will provide a hands-on approach that includes all of the steps from researching various colleges to completing the application process. Sessions are held the 1st Monday of each month via Zoom. Areas of Emphasis include ACT/SAT, Essay writing, HBCU information, Scholarships, Life skills & More. Requests to join should be submitted to akasro.cap@gmail.com

Job Opportunity – Kumon Math and Reading


Upcoming Deadlines:

The Security Department of Caddo Parish School System, Division of Mental Health, Wellness, and Safe Schools, is sponsoring several poster contests to highlight various prevention initiatives. CLICK HERE for information and entry form.

RULES: Students may enter all contests (one poster per contest limit per child.)  Poster size – 11”x14”; Judging criteria: Originality, Impact (The theme must be somewhere on the poster); Neatness

  1. Suicide Prevention Week – Finding Purpose: Taking Care of Ourselves and Others – DUE TOMORROW
  2. Mental Health Awareness Week – Together for Mental Health – October 7th
  3. National Diversity Week – Differences United – October 7th
  4. Character Education Week – Color the World with Character – October 22nd
  5. Red Ribbon Week – Drug Free Looks Like Me – October 29th
  6. Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week – STOMP Our Bullying – November 12th
  7. Internet Safety Prevention Week – Do Your Part #Be Cyber Smart – December 10th

Contest – “America: Where Do We Go From Here?”  – See Mrs. Prothro for an entry form if you are interested.  The deadline is October 22.

Volunteer Opportunities:

We are currently looking for volunteers. See the flyer below or CLICK HERE for more info. No minimum hours are required. Students are required to be 14 years of age and knowledge of horses is not necessary. If you have any questions, please contact Caroline Hendrix at chendrix@thearccaddobossier.org


ScholarshipsCLICK HERE for the September 2021 Scholarship Newsletter. Here you will find 15 scholarships that Louisiana students are eligible to apply for with deadlines ranging from September 30 – November 30.


CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of contests.
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities.