
PTSAByrdBlastByrd High School, PTSA Byrd Blast

Yellow Jacket Sports (May 10 – May 16)

5/13-5/16 Baseball State Tournament


Congratulations to our Baseball for taking two games from St. Aug to make it to the semis.  They will play Catholic tonight at 6:00 pm in Sulphur.  The Championship game will be played Saturday at 2:00 pm.

Senior Device Collection – All graduating seniors with electronic devices (Laptops and chargers, Chromebooks and chargers, Hotspots and chargers) issued by Byrd High School should return them TOMORROW according to the schedule below. To expedite your return process please note: 1. Have your device charged and powered on when you enter the office to turn it in. 2. If you do not return a device, you will be charged a device replacement fee. Fees will be assessed based on the type of device you have. Be prepared to pay. 3. If you do not return a charger, you will be charged a charger replacement fee. The replacement cost for all chargers will be $30.00. You must return the charger for the device you were issued. Be prepared to pay with exact change. Return Schedule: Last Names A-K – Friday 8:30  – 11:00; Last Names L-Z – Friday 11:30-2:00 pm.

Seniors and senior parents – Important graduation information has been posted to the Class of 2021 Canvas page in the Graduation Modules. There is an information sheet, as well as a graduation video that explains what to expect at graduation. Please review this information. Tickets for graduation are now available.

Youth and Government – If you are interested in serving as an officer next year please come by and pick up a form outside S306. Return these by Monday.

Volleyball TryoutsUpper Classmen tryouts will be THURSDAY and FRIDAY from 5:00-7:00 pm. If you are interested, you must sign up at the link below.  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcTLmc47GDBF7cuM4DLiLb5d2tS9QPEOztFPBc3oKKDloHwg/viewform?usp=sf_link

JUNIOR RING CEREMONY UPDATE (Tues. 5/18 & Wed. 5/19) – TICKETSEach participant can now have four guests instead of two.  Because of this change,  when guests arrive, we will be checking off a list that has each participant’s name instead of using the electronic tickets from locallevelevents.  Once a student has 4 checks by their name, if any additional guests for that student come, they will have to be turned away.  Please help us avoid this situation by limiting your guests to four!   (*The deadline to sign up for the ceremony was Wednesday, April 28th.  If a student has not signed up it is too late now.) RINGStudents who ordered their ring from Graduate Sales, (Balfour) and have paid for it will receive their ring at the ceremony. Students who did not order their ring from Graduate Sales will need to bring their ring to the main office Monday, 5/10-Friday, 5/14.     The ring should be in a small ring box with a label taped on top with the student’s first and last name clearly printed. The rings will be locked in the safe each night. DRESSThis is a dressy casual event.  Girls can wear either a dress, or a skirt or pants with a top.  Follow the school dress code. (Tops should not be cut too low or the dress/skirt hem should not be too short.)  Boys can wear a suit and tie, or slacks and shirt/tie, sport coat/blazer optional.  No hats. ARRIVAL TIMEStudents should arrive at 5:45 to be lined up in the first-floor hallway outside the girl’s gym.  Students should wear a mask the entire time, except when walking across the stage to receive their ring. Please email Pari White at plwhite@caddoschools.org with any questions.

Girls’ Basketball tryouts will be Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:30 – 6:30 pm in the Big Gym.

Seniors – Please check the Class of 2021 names list in your English class, or the Class of 2021 Canvas page. You need to verify that your name is spelled correctly for the graduation program as well as your diploma. If there are any errors, please notify Mrs. Byrd at asbyrd@caddoschools.org.

Seniors – If you missed picking up your caps and gowns and diploma covers, you may pick them up at Graduate Sales, 3524 Youree Drive.  They are open Monday through Friday from 1:00-4:00 pm, 865-0409.

Z-Club is now accepting applications for new members for the next school year. Z-Club is a service club open to incoming sophomores, juniors, and seniors. New members are selected by student vote and teacher vote. CLICK HERE for form.

CLICK HERE for the Registration Form for the Caddo High School Credit Recovery “Virtual” Summer School – Session 1: June 7 – June 30 (15 Days of Instruction) The online registration is from June 1-4, 2021. Complete this form between June 1 – 4, 2021 to register for summer school Session 1 (June 7 – June 30, 2021). Instruction will take place through Edgenuity/Canvas Classroom with teacher support available Monday – Thursday from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. There is no cost for the 1/2 credit course. Upon principal approval, you will receive an email/phone call with next steps for beginning the class.

Attention incoming freshmen: Pep squad fitting dates are Monday, May 24 from 4-5:30 pm and Wednesday, June 9 from 12-1:30 pm. All fittings will be in the learning center on the kings highway side of the school. You only have to attend one fitting. The price of pep squad this year will be approximately $550. Please contact Coach Duncan for any more information. Mduncan@caddoschools.org


Upcoming Deadlines:

Each year the Louisiana Solid Waste Association offers scholarships to 3 high school seniors in memory of some very special people in the Environmental Industry.  The application is available at www.lswa.us (Links to an external site.) (HOMEPAGE- click on scholarships, once on scholarships page click on download the scholarship application).  The deadline to apply is May 21 and the recipients will be notified by July 1. All recipients will be recognized at our Fall Conference on September 16, 2021 in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Volunteer Opportunities:

9th, 10th, and 11th Grade Astra Club – Two schools have offered us the opportunity to work at their field days.  They are First Baptist and University.  To work the First Baptist Field Day, you must have attended First Baptist.  All students must have passing grades.  Sign up with Mrs. Prothro or email her at MProthro@caddoschools.org.  You must provide your own transportation.

University Field Day – May 13 and 14, 2021

We have a volunteer opportunity for students to help Give Back and Geaux Pack Geaux Bags for children in foster care at no fault of their own in Louisiana. We are a non-profit out of Bossier and our pack event will be in Caddo Parish. We service 4,000 children a year in Louisiana and need help packing Geaux Bags for them. Please contact Jessica at jessica@geaux4kids.com with any questions. CLICK HERE to sign up.


CLICK HERE for a full list of community service opportunities.
CLICK HERE for a full list of contests.
CLICK HERE for all scholarship opportunities.