Yellow Jacket Sports (Nov 30-Dec 5)
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at The City! Jack approves of the job our Student Council has done in the foyer at 3201 Line Ave.
Football Playoffs – Tickets are available at https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/11115. Tickets are $10.00 and we will be playing St. Augustine tonight at Lee Hedges and game time is 6:00 pm.
Student Council is hosting a Canned Food Drive in support of the NW LA Food Bank. For every ten cans, students can earn one hour of community service. The top three homerooms will earn prizes, too! The drive ends December 11th.
Students – The PSAT will be given again at Byrd on Tuesday, January 26th. This is a College Board exam that gives 10th and 11th grade students an opportunity to check their progress towards college readiness. It also provides practice for the SAT. For 11th grade students, PSAT scores are used to screen for candidates for the National Merit Scholarship Program Competition. Participation in PSAT testing is voluntary. Students planning to test must register by paying the $17 test fee and the deadline is TODAY. You may pay online at PayForIt.net or to the bookkeeper in the office. If you took this test in October, you cannot take it in January. Mrs. Prothro will take up that money later. The exam fee is non-refundable. Call Mrs. Prothro at 364-5455 if you have any questions.
Juniors – The Coolidge Scholarship application is now available. The Coolidge Scholarship is a full-ride, four-year, merit scholarship that may be used by recipients for undergraduate study at any accredited college or university in the United States. Any high school junior who plans to enroll in college in the fall of 2022 and is an American citizen or legal permanent resident is eligible to apply (unfortunately current high school seniors are not eligible to apply). All applications must be completed online and submitted by 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday, January 20th. For more information, please visit http://www.coolidgescholars.org/selection-criteria or contact Mr. Rob Hammer at the Coolidge Foundation with any questions. Mr. Hammer can be reached by email at coolidgescholars@coolidgefoundation.org or by phone at (202) 827-4291. More detailed information regarding the application process can be found on the Class of 2022 Canvas Page.
Students who wish to join the 2020-2021 CE Byrd Boys and Girls Track teams or Cross Country teams, please contact Coach Plaza at jep1932@icloud.com or 318-272-1671.
Attention Senior Parents – C. E. Byrd’s counselors have partnered with Career Compass of La to work one-on-one with our seniors to equip them with regionally-relevant workforce and post-secondary information. They offer assistance with college applications, FAFSA completion, Career Interest Inventories, and ACT/SAT sign-up, scholarship information, etc. Please make sure your student completed the survey using the following link https://6aar0wva.paperform.co.